Sea Foam and Shattered Dreams

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The water that bounced off the rocks weren't as comforting as what they had once been.
It was the same beach he went to when he needed time to gather his thoughts and Spencer comforted him for the first time. 
There wasn't anyone to comfort him but his own thoughts, only this time, with every comforting thought, a negative one came right after.
How was he supposed to stay positive when all of his positivity was being crushed into nothing?
His father had once told him that if he ever felt bad for doing something good for him, then he had a big heart. 
Milo felt like his heart didn't exist anymore.
The sillage of the ocean filled Milo's senses, the smell of the salty water, the sound of the crashing waves... it's jagged, unexpressionable feelings were an exact representation of how it felt to be him in that moment.
Milo had just cut off the one person that had been there for him throughout everything.
How would he ever recover? Sure, he'd have Jasper there with him and the pain would lessen, but it would always be there, Charlie had only ever been his only real parent.
Milo got to be a kid with Charlie.

Milo didn't look over, he stayed wrapped in his own arms, looking to the ocean, watching as the sun was slowly setting.
He had been there for three days, in that one spot, watching the waves crash, the sun rise and the stars shine.
He didn't want to be in the house right now.
He didn't want to hear the countless phone calls that Bella would be getting... he didn't want to feel the sadness.
"My Love?" Jasper called out again, only this time he slowly began to walk over.

"Hey Jasper," Milo said in return, turning his head slightly.
Jasper offered him a small smile and sat next to him, not caring that the wet sand would stick to whatever part of his body that touched it. 
Jasper took one of Milo's hands and brought it to his lips, kissing his palm.
Milo looked over, not being able to help the small fond smile when he saw Jasper's golden eyes.

"There's that beautiful smile," Jasper had a glowing look on his face.

"Stop flirting with me, I'm trying to be sad," Milo scolded gently, squeezing the blondes hand and moving over so he could rest his head on his shoulder.
And this was why Milo loved Jasper. 
Because there was no pressure, there was no C'mon Milo, feel better, there was no emotional manipulation, there was just him.
There was just Jasper and his silly little ways that made Milo's feelings flutter.
Jasper's head fell ontop of his mates and he looked down to their hands.

"I visited our Dad," Jasper mumbled, turning his head slightly, gazing down at his mate.
The most stupidest smiles ever rose to Milo's face.
Our Dad.

"Thank you for doing that," Milo replied, squeezing Jasper's hand in appreciation. 
And he really meant it, Charlie would need people in a time like this.

"Of course, I care about him too," Jasper nodded, placing a soft kiss on the top of Milo's head.
He shut his eyes.

"What's happened so far... can I come back home yet?" Milo wondered, focusing on Jasper's emotions closely, hence why his eyes were shut, because he needed to catch a change if there was one.
Jasper hesitated to speak before deciding on a more gentle approach.

"Bella's with him, he's going to be fine," 
Milo opened his eyes again and turned to his mate, looking at the gorgeous boy properly.

"Are you being honest with me?" Milo asked, his voice a little sterner then what it once was.
Jasper swallowed.

The blonde man let out a sigh, "Alice has seen multiple things Miles," He paused, clenching his jaw, his eyes full of hurt and sorrow, Milo felt his emotions and clenched his jaw too, "You might need to prepare yourself,"
No, this wasn't right.
What did he mean?
What the fuck did Jasper mean?
No no no no no.
Alice never saw this before.
This couldn't mean what Milo feared it was... right?

𝙎𝙚𝙡𝙛𝙞𝙚 - 𝙅𝙖𝙨𝙥𝙚𝙧 𝙃𝙖𝙡𝙚Where stories live. Discover now