Historians Will Say They Were Friends

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After the breakfast Jasper had brought at a coffee shop for Milo, he felt a lot better. Well, he felt a bit weird when the blonde vampire stared at him all throughout eating a small pastry but aside from that, the sickness he felt never came back during the day.
Jasper drove the round for a bit, until Milo suggested that they go to his house. Jasper was more than happy to turn the car back around and speed past the police station just to get to the humans house. The giggle that passed Milo's lips was worth it.
He drove swiftly down the road in the jeep and parked on the dirt outside Milo's house. 
The human jumped out, grabbing his keys from his pocket and taking his bag too, unlocking the door for them both when they reached the doorstep.
Jasper was excited, he wanted to see where Milo was growing up, where Milo took his first steps, where he learned how to talk.

Milo wasn't nervous for Jasper to see his house, he was only scared that there'd be a mess somewhere that he forgot to clean, especially in his bedroom. 
They walked inside and Milo took his shoes off, not wanting to get the mud from the forest on the floor, Jasper copied, holding the ends of his expensive shoes with his fingers whilst Milo shoved his under his arm.
"I hope your ok with climbing a ladder, 'cause that's the only way to get to my room," Milo smiled, starting the walk up to his bedroom.

Jasper nodded, smiling back, a relaxed look on his face. 
They got to the second floor and Milo pulled the ladder down from a black and white string, climbing as soon as it's feet touched the floor. Jasper watched the human climb and reach the top, then effortlessly began his climb with one hand. Watching, Milo was sure he could climb it with one finger let alone one hand.
Milo put his shoes down under his bed, just so the ends peeked out so he could grab them easily then next time he'd need to.

Jasper looked around the room, enchanted to see the other boys room for the first time. There were posters of rock legends around the room, jewlery plastered anywhere there could be and lot and lot of clothes. A couple plants filled the only free space on his desk and there was a window seat that looked very cosy with the blanket and pillow Milo had stuffed on it. 
"Make yourself at home," Milo smiled, honestly wanting Jasper to feel comfortable there.

"Thank you," Jasper put his shoes near Milo's, walking around the renovated attic freely.

Milo took off his hoodie, the shirt underneath riding up slightly. Jasper looked then quickly peered out of the window. If he was human, he would be blushing. Alice was right, Milo did have abs. Then again, she was right about everything else. He was incredibly attractive and caring. Milo was everything Jasper needed.

"Can I ask some questions?" Milo said, his white shirt now showing off his muscular arms.

"Yes," Jasper sat down on Milo's bed, liking how soft the blanket felt as he tucked his legs over each other.

"Ok...So I know you don't burn in the sun, you glitter, what else do you do?" He wondered, watching the Hale's face for any change.
There wasn't one.

"Vampires can run, fast. Faster then it would take for you to even realize we're gone. You'll hopefully see me do it one day," He smiled, encouraging Milo to agree to it, "It's very fun for me,"

Milo chuckled, easing up more. Jasper was being honest, this wasn't a dream, it was real. He nodded at the vampires words, understanding a little more.

"Ok so... none of you are actually related? Was I right about that?" He asked, watching Jasper nod.

"It's an act, along with my age. I'm frozen at 19. I hope you don't mind,"

"Oh," Milo understood, "What's your favourite thing about being a vampire?"
He didn't realize the question would be so hard for Jasper to answer, he stumbled on his words to begin with.

"I- I don't really know," Then his golden eyes met Milo's brown ones, "I guess, getting to be with the ones you love forever,"
There was a hidden meaning in his words, Milo caught on, expecially when their eyes met. He licked his bottom lip, a habit, a way to distract himself, Jasper followed it with his eyes.

"And the worst?" He pressed, wanting to know everything about Jasper.

𝙎𝙚𝙡𝙛𝙞𝙚 - 𝙅𝙖𝙨𝙥𝙚𝙧 𝙃𝙖𝙡𝙚Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ