The Boy With A Boner

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August 31st, 2003

His face flushed red as he held the bottle of beer in front of the unamused police officer. Rainier booze was his favourite, he got that from his father.
The chilled drink began to get slippery in his hand, sweat and condensation didn't go well together.
Half heartedly, the teenager handed the drink over to the blue suited officer who took it without a word. Dennis--the officer staring down at the silent boy--started walking back into the shop to retrieve the stolen goods.
And he was off, turning behind him to lift himself over the wooden fence that led him to a neighbourhood, the one he lived in. Within seconds, the brown eyed boy needed his inhaler, something he didn't stop to take. Surprisingly, the boy who had asthma ran fast, and in seconds he was able to turn up his street as if he had not just been running from the armed forces.

Officer Dennis, who had been running silently behind the boy for the whole time, finally got close enough to grab him.

"Shit," The breathless kid cussed.

"Nice try Milo," Dennis chuckled, pausing to act serious as a pedestrian walked by, "Don't do it again kid, I'm trying to keep you out of trouble here, the station already want to arrest you and they hate me for keepin' you out of trouble,"

"Wait- so you're just gonna let me go?" Milo held confusion in his voice, he wasn't expecting this.

Yes, Officer Dennis had let him off the hook many times before because he was Charlie's son. Dennis and Charlie went way back.

"Unless you want me to tell Renée?" Dennis went quiet.

"Oh no don't tell Renée," Milo retorted, sarcasm lacing his voice.

"I don't understand. If I tell Renée she'll send you to Charlie," Dennis started walking up the street, Milo following after.

"That's the point, being out in the sun so much is really bad for my health, something Renée doesn't bat an eye too and I really miss Dad. The only reason she stopped me seeing him is because Bella didn't want to," Milo clenched his fists in anger.
Damn Renée, damn her new husband Phil for getting in the way.

"Are you sure Miles? She'll be pissed," The officer asked, hoping Milo would have a change in heart.
The nickname was always used as a soft spot, it was something only Charlie used to call him but Dennis soon picked it up to remind the teenager of his real home.

A small sigh fell from his parted lips, "She's always pissed at me Dennis, usually is because I'd much rather be up in my room crying over a book that didn't go well or because I'd fallen in love with a character that isn't real," A giggle took over his intake of breath, "Or it's because I'm too much like Charlie. Well sorry that you consented to have some sexy time instead of reading biology books Mom,"

"Ouch," Dennis mumbled, stopping outside the modern house, watching Renée catch his eye from the window, "Here we go,"

Renée stormed out of the house, Phil at her side. Her arms were crossed and looking past them, a fifteen year old Bella sat on the stairs, a small smile on her face when she realize her brother has noticed her.
"I'm sorry to bother you Mr and Mrs Dwyer but I caught your Son trying to steal a bottle of beer by stuffing it into his pants and claiming he had, and I quote, 'A Boner'," Officer Dennis explained struggling to keep a smile off his face as he told the story, but the parents were too angry to notice.

A cackle left Milo's lips as Dennis informed the last part so formally.
"You think this is funny Milo Swan?" Renée questioned, biting her lip aggravated, a habit she'd picked up over many years.

"You know what your Mother said next time you got into trouble Milo, Officer Dennis, don't hesitate to put him behind bars next time," Phil hissed, holding his wife closer to calm her anger... it didn't work.

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