Blur Your Words

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When he woke up again, it was hot and he was sweating. 
This heat was recognisable, they had to be in Arizona by now.
And he was right, Milo sat up from the window just to have the sun blare in his eyes. He winced and looked again, finding it uncomfortable as he had gotten used to the lack of heat from Forks. 
Alice turned in the car and met him with a smile, handing him a breakfast bar and a bottle of water.
Milo nodded in thanks, gulping some of the water down quickly, the turning to the food. 
He looked to his side, seeing his sister curled up in her seat, her mouth open a little as she slept. 
Turning his head a little more, he looked out of the window, seeing some familliar roads of Phoenix. 
They were near the highway, but turned left into a hotel parking lott.
As the car stopped, Bella stirred, Milo offered her the water and she took it happily. 
Alice turned in her seat again, wrapping a scarf around her neck.
"We have to stay here until we get a phone call, no running off," She instructed, getting out of the car.

The Swan's and Spencer followed her, entering the hotel and booking a room on the top floor.
When they entered the room, Milo went to the shower first, wanting to take off Jasper's clothes that had now been covered in his sweat from the heat of his old hometown. 
Looking in the mirror, he saw that his once curly hair had now been turned into long strands that were just covered in some hair product. 
He looked like the human embodiment of stress.
Stepping into the water that fell from the ceiling, Milo relaxed a little.
Obviously, knowing that there was a vampire trying to hunt you and your sister took a toll on him and it wasn't something that he could forget so easlily. But he tried his best, washing his skin with some smell-free bodywash then massaging his scalp with the same smelling shampoo. 
Towel drying everything but his hair, he put some of his own clothes on, feeling relaxed when he felt the non-expensive material.
Jasper's clothes looked good on him, there was a line that didn't need to be crossed.
He walked out of the bathroom, running his fingers through his hair to make sure it didn't kink whilst looking for his sister, only to find that she had already gone to her bedroom.
Milo knocked though didn't hear her reply and figured she was asleep, sitting on the sofa next to the vampires who had whisked them away.

Spencer handed Milo the Tv remote and got up, walking to the kitchen to do God knows what, leaving Alice to sit with him.
She didn't say anything as Milo tried to focus on the sport playing, but he knew that she was trying to focus on the future, seeing if anything changed.
As they sat in silence, it gave Milo a second to think about Spencer... what was he doing in the kitchen? Why would a vampire go into another room that didn't do anything for his pleasure?
The answer was easy...
To get away from the human.
That was a no go.
Milo stood, ignoring Alice's questioning gaze as he walked around her and went through the doors of the kitchen to see Spencer's eyes fall onto him as the vampire was sat at the table, his hands clamped in front of him.
He was probably using his gift, a small thought in the human's mind tried to say, but Milo knew better. Spencer didn't like him and he needed to know why.
"Is there anything I can help you with Milo?" Spencer wondered, moving some of his long hair from his eyes.

Milo nodded a little, sitting down across from him, "What's up with you... and me?"

"I am not sure I understand what you mean," Spencer frowned a little and it was then Milo realized his accent.
He was posh. Like, I'm gonna go tell my rich Daddy if you do anything wrong to me kind of posh.
Milo had never really noticed before, there had never been any proper conversation between the two.

"Ok," Milo sighed, licking his bottom lip a little. He had tried to be nice but clearly the Cullen in front of him didn't get nice, "Why are you being an ass to me Spencer?"
The Cullen boy raised his eyebrows, his perfect features were shocked.

"Why do you think?" There was a harsh edge to the tone he used, aiming to make Milo back down, but it didn't work.
Milo stood up to Rosalie, that took some balls, now look where he and her stood.
Friends... almost.

𝙎𝙚𝙡𝙛𝙞𝙚 - 𝙅𝙖𝙨𝙥𝙚𝙧 𝙃𝙖𝙡𝙚Where stories live. Discover now