50 Shades Of Your Own Blood

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"A party?" Milo asked, frowning at the girl in front of him, "A fucking party?" 
Alice nodded her head happily and grinned at her friend, seeing Spencer poke his head around the corner then racing to grab his hand.

"Spencer!" Alice dragged out his name, "Tell Milo it's going to be fun,"
Spencer held back a smile whilst looking at his girlfriend and let out a small scoff.

"It's going to be fun Milo," He reluctantly said then whispered, "She's scary when she doesn't get her own way,"
Milo laughed, they were such a sweet couple.
Milo didn't care that they were hosting a party as such, he cared that the population of Forks high were going to be there, meaning he couldn't be. He didn't need someone seeing him then telling Charlie and their plan to fail.
Milo sighed, watching the couple walk off the hear Emmett come up behind him. He turned, giving a look to the man who already had a smirk on his face.

"You're such a weird newborn, wanna see if you can fight like one?" Emmett asked, cracking his knuckles.
Milo looked over to the blonde who had just appeared in the room skeptically.

"Fight?" He chuckled awkwardly, his eyes never leaving Jasper's frame.
The curly haired vampire had his hair pulled back into a low bun, putting all of his features on show. He was wearing a black oversized hoodie and some baggy joggers. 
Milo frowned.
"That's mine," He pointed, watching how Emmett watched them both interact.

"I can take it off," Jasper panicked, his fingers already tugging at the material.

"No," Milo stopped him, "It looks good on you,"
Jasper looked back at the boy then looked down to the floor. He would be blushing if he still could.
Milo smiled slightly, liking how bold that comment was.

"Fight?" Emmett said again, changing the subject, he looked between the two mates with a fond smile, understanding that they both needed their time.

"Ok," Milo shrugged, not seeing what the big deal was.
He followed Milo to the front of the house but before they could even start to fight, Edward's Volvo parked up quickly and he got out, the pure look of anger on his face.
Milo froze, Bella was inside the car too. 
Jasper appeared next to him tentatively, reaching his hand out to take Milo's. The newborn allowed it, grabbing his back, just as hard.
Bella got out of the car, she was grabbing her right hand in pain.
Milo frowned, what had hurt her? Who had hurt her? 

"Bella?" He called out, going to step forward but he inhaled her scent and gasped, freezing up when she turned around to stare at him.
Jasper took two steps, standing in front of Milo to give him and advantage if Milo lost control.
God, that fire was rough.

"I'm ok Miles, I just-- broke my hand," She winced, looking around Jasper's body to see her brother.
Milo did the same thing, turning his head slightly.

"How!?" He hissed, stressed out as to how she had gotten such a serious injury.

"I punched Jacob," She mumbled looking guilty.
Milo frowned from confusion and anger.
She punched Jacob? For what?

"What did he do?" Milo grumbled, half of him thinking Bella punched him for nothing.

"He kissed her," Edward glowered, reading Milo's thoughts and not letting his girlfriend take one ounce of blame for something she rightly deserved to be violent towards
Milo's red eyes turned several shades darker and his upper lip quivered. He didn't think it was this possible to be this angry. Edward looked over to the newborn, noticing how his mind had now gone blank. He didn't have any thoughts rushing through his mind.
Milo was beyond angry, he was pissed.
And then Jasper was angry.
And then Emmett was angry.
And then Edward was angry.
And then Bella was angry.
And then anyone within 20 yards of Milo were angry.
It was Edward who faltered first, seeming to know what was happening before anyone else did. He looked over to Jasper, hoping the male would be able to calm Milo down, but Jasper was being hit bigger than anyone else with this emotion.
The blonde boy was digging his fingernails into his arms, his back was hunched, his eyes were black and his jaw was clenched tightly.
Jasper couldn't help, he was feeling everyone's rage as well as his own.

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