Don't Look

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Four vampires came out of the forest and at their sighting, Jasper's hand clenched around Milo's waist.
He didn't like this, Milo guessed, Jasper was anxious. He took that feeling his lover felt away, not wanting these knew vampires to see his weakness.
They looked very dangerous standing next to each other and stopping a good way in front of the Cullens. Gracefully, they took their hoods down and Milo recognised the middle two immediately. Jane and Alec, the twins, the witch twins.
Milo threw a look behind him, looking at Anita who had her red, crazed eyes looking between the Volturi members and him. 
Milo could only imagine the pain she was in with Bella right there. 
He looked back at the new coven in their black cloaks but then felt Jasper break away their contact. Milo turned to look, his eyes slightly frightened as he watched his lover stand next to Anita. 
What was he doing standing there?
Milo went to follow, but Rosalie gently took his hand, making him freeze. There had to be a reason she was keeping him there so he clenched his jaw and squeezed Rosalie's hand, trying to get used to the idea of Jasper not being next to him in a moment like this.

Jane, she seemed innocent until she spoke.
Her voice was sweet but it had a soft tone of carelessness, as if she wasn't actually impressed with the win that had just occured.
"I've never seen a coven escape an assult of this magnitude in tact,"

"We were lucky," Carlisle smiled, greeting this coven of destruction with a kind heart.

"I doubt that," She returned, her own smile not friendly, patronizing almost.

"It appears we missed an entertaining fight," Her brother, Alec said, his voice almost an exact copy of his sister's, only deeper.

"Yes," Jane agreed, "It's not often we're rendered unnecessary,"
Milo clenched his free hand but his one holding Rosalie's tensed. She noticed and rubbed her thumb on his knuckle.
It was tempting to turn around and look at his mate but he didn't think it was a good time. These vampires were clearly not in the mood of staying long and the boredness in their voice told him so.

"If you'd arrived half hour ago you would've fulfilled your purpose," Edward hissed, his voice not friendly, making Milo stress more.

"Pity," She spat then her eyes landed quickly on Milo, then to Anita sat next to Jasper, "You missed two,"
Milo froze and broke his previous thought of turning around, just to stare at his boyfriend with wide scared eyes.
It was terrifying to see Jasper had matched his expression.

"Milo is apart of our family, he changed three months ago. We'd be happy to prove it with a visit?" Carlisle offered, defending the newborn who had turned to look at him, the expression he had shot Jasper not having been changed.

Jane looked at him with wide eyes, Milo tensed, "It's true,"
He wasn't sure why he defended Carlisle, his voice held enough authority.
But he did and it left him feeling stupid with the way her red eyes looked at his ones.
They stayed looking at each other for a moment before she turned away, leaving him feeling like he was nothing.

"We offered her asylum in exchange for her surrender," Carlisle continued, explaining as to why Anita was sat on the floor still and not dead.
Milo turned to look at her, his expression panicking. 

"That wasn't yours to offer," Jane told, turning her head to look at his friend, "Why did you come?"
There was a silence as Anita paused to think, but it was broken by her loud screams, Milo couldn't look away, he was frozen. 
Was she going to die? She didn't deserve to.

"Who created you?" Jane called out, her lips twisting into a smirk as she was enjoying the pain.
Anita cried out louder, holding her small body as she sunk closer to the ground, her nails digging into the mud.

𝙎𝙚𝙡𝙛𝙞𝙚 - 𝙅𝙖𝙨𝙥𝙚𝙧 𝙃𝙖𝙡𝙚Where stories live. Discover now