A Crack In The Glass

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Milo woke the next day and was thankful that it was the weekend. He knew that it didn't matter what time he woke up on the Saturday and knew he had a closing shift at The Lodge the next day so he could have a lie in.
The was a loud bang from outside the house and it scared Milo shitless, making him sit up and throw himself down the ladder, and down the stairs, hoping it had nothing to do with his sister. 
He compared the sound to a gunshot and it made his heart hammer in fear.
Opening the front door, he realized he was only in his boxers but he didn't seem to care when he saw Bella next to her truck, a shocked expression on her face.
"Bell!" He shouted, getting the attention of his sister who instantly looked away from him and Edward.

"There wasn't a gunshot, it was me jumping on her truck," Edward promised, chuckling at the male Swan that was partially naked in the freezing cold.

"Somethin' funny Cullen?" Milo asked, joking around with him to show that they had no bad blood from the other day.

"Nope. Jasper certainly wouldn't find you showing all your glory to the neighbourhood funny either," He grinned, raising his eyebrows.

"Jasper would love all this," Milo bit back, smirking when his sister blushed.

"He sure does, you should hear his thoughts," Edward looked away for a moment, as if he would be blushing too.

"You should hear mine," Milo mumbled but of course the vampire heard, throwing his head back in a loud laugh.
Milo giggled on his way back inside the house, all worried thoughts gone as he got into his bedroom and changed his boxers then found some good clothes to wear. 
He wanted to sleep round Jasper's tonight, he felt bad for them not being able to sleep together anymore, in an innocent way of course, he knew all he had to do was ask and Jasper would comply. 
Having Bella around was a blessing and a curse, he loved his sister, but Jasper could no longer stay.
Once he had changed, he grabbed his keys and a little bag, hooking it around his shoulders before exiting the house and waving goodbye to his sister.

"Where are you going?" She wondered, looking to Edward in confusion.

"Jasper isn't back from hunting yet," Edward frowned, wondering why the male Swan didn't turn around and go back inside.

"It's alright, I'll wait for him," Milo smiled, winking at his sister before going his car and turning the volume of the music all the way up.
For the first time, he wasn't thinking about Jasper, he was thinking about Bella.
How ironic that both Swans move to the capital of rain and meet 2 vampires and fall in love with them. 
It had to be in their genetics to both end up in this trouble. 
But it was the good kind of trouble, the type of trouble that left them both giggling because they knew what they were doing was bad.
The kind of trouble that had you getting scolded, and only took one look from the other and laughter would errupt.
The kind of trouble that you would do again just to get a rush.
The kind of trouble that 13 year old Milo would love and 11 year old Bella would follow.
They had done everything together, it only made sense to fall in love with vampires too.
If they weren't so different personality and style wise, people would've thought they were twins. 

Milo pulled up at the house in his Porshe and got out, walking up the stairs to get to the door.
Before he could even knock, Carlisle answered, a welcoming smile on his face.
"Jasper isn't here," He told but Milo nodded.

"I know, I just want to wait for him, if that's ok?" He asked, smiling when Carlisle let him enter.
Alice ran up on him and gave him a hug, causing Spencer to scowl at him.
Milo frowned back, what he hell did he do?
He let the small vampire go and walked up the stairs, 2 at a time to get to Jasper's room, opening the door and breathing in that welcoming scent that he loved.
His initial plan was to just sit around and pick up 1 of the few books that were still scattered around the bedroom but when he saw that comfy bed, he couldn't help himself.
He stripped down again, folding the clothes neatly, then dived back into the bed, falling asleep moments after.

When he woke again, soft arms were around him and there was a face burried in his neck. 
Milo didn't move at first, wanting to see if the vampire would notice he was awake, but Jasper didn't move either.
He thought that Jasper was actually asleep at first, he was so still and was breathing in a steady pace, but of course that wasn't what was really happening.
He was just calm, he was just enjoying the embrace they were in.
And there was something to good about it. 
Jasper had explained before that when other vampires see him, nomads, they would say that his most dominant feature was the scars that scattered on his jaw, his neck, his arms and his hands and it made them think that he was dangerous.
So for him to just be laying down, cuddled next to a human, eyes shut and covers around him, had to be the most juxtaposing thing ever.
Milo couldn't see Jasper's scars very well. He knew they were there but in normal, natural light, they weren't noticeable. It wasn't until a light was on and he was waving his arm under it could you see the imprints.
They held a lot of packstory, pain and suffering, but Milo saw strength and endurance.
"Jasp," Milo whispered, pulling his arms over the vampires back.

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