Camera Click

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Milo placed his bag down in the corner of his room.
He officially hated the ladder that got him there, it was a pain in the ass and he wished his ribs would heal quick.
Unfortunately, since he was already up in his bedroom and it was a pain to get down, he couldn't see Bella in her prom dress, but she sent him a picture from her bedroom which he saved.
She looked stunning, the blue really suited her, Edward was lucky to have her.
Truthfully, Milo felt a bit jealous that he never got to have a prom.
He was dating Jasper at the time but his bloodlust wouldn't have been good with all the crouds, more people and all the closeness. 
But it was something he had to deal with, dating a vampire came with risks and avoidences.
Milo would risk it all for Jasper.
Charlie came up to his bedroom after Bella had left with Edward, Milo watched them leave from his window, smiling at how good they looked together. 
The officer watched at how calm his son looked after seeing his boyfriend earlier at the hospital, he had relaxed a lot.
There was something good that Jasper brought to his son, Charlie knew that and thanked the blonde boy a lot.
"How are you feeling?" He asked after a minute.

Milo looked over with a smile, "Pretty good after falling out a window," 
Charlie cracked a grin.
He knew that Milo probably wasn't feeling good.
The younger boy had bags under his eyes, he didn't sleep much at the hospital, and he looked really pale.
The clothes he wore weren't his usual style, creating another difference, and his hair was dry, washed with only hospital shampoo.
Milo Swan didn't feel or look very Milo Swany, but he was happy.

"Right, how could I forget?" Charlie asked sarcastically, earning a look from his son.
Then the doorbell rang, Milo frowned as he watched his father step down from the ladder to open the door to whoever was out there. 
Using this privacy, Milo slowly walked over to his bag and pulled out his medication, taking a couple pills as prescribed before he put them back down but on his desk so he could see them and not forget to take them.
Charlie was having a conversation downstairs, it was mostly muffled but then the phone rang and he excused himself to answer.
There was walking up the stairs and Milo frowned when he heard his ladder being used.
He looked over to the hole in the floor but smiled widely when he recognised the blonde curls that popped up.
Jasper climbed the rest of the ladder and Milo took a second to openly check him out.
He was wearing a suit, really fancy, his hair had been brushed through and his shoes had been cleaned.
Jasper looked really smart.
Jasper looked hot.
In his hand was a bag, Milo didn't ask what was in it, he didn't care.
In front of him was the hottest man he'd ever seen so a plastic bag really didn't matter when this God like person was seconds away.

"We never went to prom...So I thought I'd bring prom to you," Jasper mumbled, sounding shy.
Milo's face broke out in a smile as he reached out and kissed the male in front of him.
Jasper kissed back, dropping the bag on the floor to hold his mate gently. 
Jasper would've been better at putting the things Milo felt into words, but a kiss would suffice.

"That's so-- This is-- You're-- Thank you," Milo settled with, blushing a little.
Jasper grinned at him, bending down to pick the bag up again.

"Shut your eyes," He requested.
Milo did so in seconds.
He trusted Jasper with everything in his entire existance. 
There was some movement, a wrapper falling then some slight clattering. It was tempting to look, but he didn't open his eyes.
Instead, he waited until Jasper touched his hand and turned him around.
When Milo looked, there were fairy lights pulled over the posters he had in his room, then on his desk, there were some small snacks and some comfort items to help him recover.
Jasper had gone all out to try and make this the prom experience. 
Even sat on the floor was a full case of Rainier Beer.
Milo laughed, looking back to his boyfriend who was watching him, something in his hand.
The human looked into the vampire's palm as it outstretched.
His necklace.
Carlisle probably had to take it off so it wouldn't get in the way of saving him.
And now it was sat in Jasper's palm, so carefully, reflecting beautifully against his pale skin.
Milo turned so Jasper could put it back on his neck, running his hand down the cool metal before holding Milo close.

"If we're gonna dance," Milo began, recognising the hold his lover had on him, "Don't we need music?"
Jasper's eyes widened for a moment, forgetting completely about that facotor.
Milo laughed gently, soothing him, reaching into his pocket and bringing his phone out for the vampire to take.
Jasper scrolled through some music choices before playing some random dance music and placing the phone on the desk, going right back to holding his mate.

"Did I get you the right boner?" Jasper asked, a cheeky smile on his face.

Milo laughed, "Well, you're a tall, cute and well dressed guy... so yeah," 
Jasper laughed with him, remembering that conversaition he had overheard. 
The vampire placed his hands on Milo's hips, guiding them in a slow dance.
Milo didn't bother taking the smile off his face, this was nice, he hadn't expected anything more out of the night.
Who needed to have prom at school when they could have it in his bedroom, all of their favourite songs playing in the background?
It was wholesome, the way Jasper looked at him and the way Milo blushed in response.
There was nothing else he could've asked for.
Considering nearly a month ago Milo thought Jasper had died in a heroic way to save him, and now they were dancing in his bedroom, things had changed a lot.
There was no better way he wanted to spend the night, Jasper's eyes were full of love and Milo's eyes were full of greeting.
The human accepted the love the vampire gave him.
He could accept it over and over again.
Romantically, Jasper lifted his arm, spinning Milo underneath.
The Swan boy chuckled, feeling slightly silly, but he did the same to Jasper, making the blonde twirl under his arm too.
They joined back together, holding each other softly.

"Wanna watch a movie Angel?" Milo asked as the song finished, leaving a comfortable silence to fill the room.

Jasper's expression changed, he looked to the floor with a small smile, "I'd love to,"
Milo watched the feature, he was confident that if Jasper was human, he'd be blushing. 
That made him happy, he was good at flirting.
Milo grabbed his laptop from his desk, pulling the charger out before throwing it on the bed.

"Do you want clothes to change into?" He asked, opening his wardrobe door.
Jasper nodded, taking off his overcoat and placing it on the back of Milo's chair. 
It was a temptation not to look at the vampire as he undressed, instead, Milo focused on the computer, trying to find something good to watch.
He waited, looking up to see Jasper in some loose joggers and a matchng baggy hoodie.
God he was beautiful.
Milo sat comfortably on his bed, opening his arms for Jasper to lay in. 
The vampire was careful, more careful then he'd ever been. He couldn't risk hurting Milo, not again.
They watched the movie in silence before Milo got an idea and reached over for his phone. Jasper paused the film, looking at his mate with confusion.
A couple buttons were pressed on the phone before Milo extended his arm, their reflection bouncing on the screen.

"A selfie?" Jasper asked, scoffing slightly but looked up at the device.

"A selfie," Milo clarified, smiling before clicking the picture and letting it save to his phone.
Pictures were good, they froze good memories. 
Jasper was Milo's good memory.
And Milo was Jasper's.



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How I imagine they took the picture.
Idk who these guys r but slay.

Sorry for the short Chapter, but this is the end of Selfie-Twilight! 

Did yall enjoy it?

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What was your favourite part?

Are you excited for New moon?

I love you, thanks for the love so far xx

𝙎𝙚𝙡𝙛𝙞𝙚 - 𝙅𝙖𝙨𝙥𝙚𝙧 𝙃𝙖𝙡𝙚Where stories live. Discover now