Behind Tethered Souls: A More In-Depth Look Into The Universe

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Disclaimer: If you haven't finished the series yet (or haven't read this book) and had jumped to this chapter, I recommend reading the novels to avoid spoilers in this explanation. If not, continue reading to gain a better understanding of the story and concept.

Hello, Tethered Readers. I hope most of the major questions have been answered.

►What exactly are Tethered Souls?
►What is the story behind them?
►What was the overarching purpose of the disguised psychiatric institutions?
►Why were the central characters constantly being monitored?
►How are Tethered Souls paired?
►And why can't Tethered Souls physically meet?

In Tethered Souls, all humans have telepathic genes, but they don't always awaken, preventing souls from becoming telekinetic. The Biological Research and Development Agency (BARDA) capitalizes on humans' telepathic abilities. Because anyone who develops their natural telepathic gift gains superhuman abilities, including the ability to cure diseases, employees from around the world are making scientific connections. This story's concept is paranormal rather than science fiction, but it blends multiple genres. 

None of these elements were planned ahead of time and came to me while writing the first book.

The hospitals were tricking the public and profiting off their money, while BARDA did experiments on their patients. All that mattered was research and finances. Some employees at different facilities have good hearts or are motivated to help the organization reach its goals. However, BARDA hasn't figured out that everyone has feelings and that you can't always force people to do bad things. That is their biggest flaw aside from greed.

Sergeant Ethan Trent, Sergeant Colin Decker, and other staff members turned against the organization and decided to help Amir and Luna because of how their families were manipulated. Since Amir was born between two Pure Souls, people who were paired and had met before their powers were awakened, he and his family have been relentlessly hunted.

"Tethered Souls" was more about friendship and overcoming differences (like prejudice, hatred, and anything else that separates people) than it was about romance, but love was a bonus for two souls who were paired. BARDA considers people who fall in love to be a threat to humanity since certain pairings' abilities become more powerful when their bloodlines are merged. That's how Amir and Luna had their flash-forwards (visions) in several scenes throughout the books. In Book One, their blood oath helped them connect to their future selves so that they could assist them in the past. I wanted to bring in a time-travel element and came up with a clever way to do it.

Chase was Luna's egotistical ex-fiancé who couldn't get over himself and spent years working for BARDA. Because of this, she and Amir were often controlled throughout their lives. Amir's previous investor, Tahir Malik, was in charge of the Khan family. He kept an eye on them and made sure they stuck to the organization's plans for them. [Think of the film, The Adjustment Bureau for Tethered Souls.] Sarah's father, Sam, was following Chase, Tahir, and Dr. Kim around and doing whatever they told him to do. He was merely a puppet but still evil.

Tethered Souls were matched with each other based on the genes they shared in time, and BARDA has been a part of everyone's life since they were conceived. The staff pretended to be reliable experts who had also made Genesis, a powerful medication that can wipe people's memories of their lives. The serum explains why some characters couldn't remember things that happened in their past.

Genesis' history shows why it was called that. It is taken from the first verses of the Holy Bible and refers to "the earth being without form, and void, and darkness was swept upon the face of the deep."

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