{Book Two} 109 | Glow

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∞ The Tethered Ones ∞

Chapter 39

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It was nearly two in the morning before Luna and the guys had returned to Salvation Estate. After crossing the gate, she and Amir went straight to the house where they were staying. Despite their protest, Ethan had promised to inform Dominique of what they learned at the club. They didn't trust him, but there was nothing they could do about it. She simply needed a good night's sleep because they were exhausted from everything.

She walked straight into the bedroom once she entered the house. Amir followed her into bed, still wearing his pants and boots. She merely relaxed in his arms, allowing his steady presence to soothe her frayed nerves. She was too dazed to tell him to get up and change into his skivvies.

Her mind kept replaying Titus's question about Davenport's memories. She wasn't expecting him to walk right into her mind like he was in a movie theater. She thought he should've brought popcorn and snacks to enjoy the show. She tried everything she could to keep her mind safe when she realized he was different. He could still tether to her whether she wanted him to.

And did it make her feel at ease? No.
But that was a problem for another time.

She was a zombie by nine a.m., and Ethan's disgustingly cheerful demeanor outside the house made her want to vomit. She was still dressed in last night's clothing since she was too exhausted to change.

When he decided to walk up to the porch, she groaned, taking a sip of her ice-cold instant coffee. He'd be a dead man if he woke Amir up.

"What's up with the face?" Ethan came to a halt on the front step. "Are you still tired from last night?"

She groaned in response to his stare. "Don't you have anything better to do?"

"No, not really. I was out walking when I noticed you on the swing. That's a nice swing."

"I'm glad you like it."

"What's with the 'tude? I thought you'd be happier," he said. "Everything will be over by Labor Day."

She snorted. "It won't be that easy."

"You just need to have faith that our plan will work."

She nearly choked. He wanted to talk about faith, but he was a man they couldn't put their trust in. However, they had no choice but to do what they could. "I'm actually looking forward to Monday. In four days, you'll be out of our hair."

"You know you're going to miss seeing me around here," he told her.

"You're so irritating." She averted her gaze and concentrated on a patch of grass between the houses. "Is there anything I could do for you? Aside from giving you a much-needed punch in the face?"

He chuckled. "Yes. I was going to tell you that Owen is looking for a map of the lake. We can research the best route."

She gave him a tight smile. "How thoughtful."

"Do you want to punch me?" His brows furrowed.

"I'm not sure if that's a genuine question."

He snickered as he tipped his head down. "It's not. You could try to punch me, but you'd lose."

Luna scooted off the swing and took a step forward. "Wanna bet?"

"Evil," Amir's voice oozed from the shadowed doorway.

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