{Book Two} 88 | Healing

95 31 124

∞ The Tethered Ones ∞

Chapter 18

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• Luna •

Hours had passed, and Luna stayed curled next to Amir.

She'd gotten up twice when she needed to use the restroom, and he'd stayed by her side for assistance. As she got re-adjusted in her spot, her stomach growled.

She was surprised that she hadn't felt hungry earlier, but she figured it was because of the shock her body was going through. The only thing she did was drink two bottles of water and listen to Amir translate a book from English to Urdu. It wasn't even nine o'clock, and he joked about reading her a bedtime story. She smiled up at him, feeling his heart beating with hers.

No one on the property bothered them. He'd stuck a sign out on the front door that said, "Do Not Disturb."

She wanted to see her daughter, but Faisal had explained it wasn't a good idea. Luna agreed because she didn't want Sarah to see her mother in this condition. 

But that wasn't the only concern.

Wherever their group was hiding, they needed to be careful when they used their telepathy. They were off the grid, and that could all change in a blink of an eye if a hunter was near and sensed their aura.

Faisal explained to Luna about Liberty and their bloodline. Amir informed both of them about what he had learned about Origins in the meeting. She was shocked to learn she wasn't meant to be tethered and have superhuman abilities. But all of her doubts had been suppressed the second she met her husband's stare.

She knew their lives were always going to connect, regardless of her father's procedure in the past.

Sam had connected them beyond the grave.

Turning the final page, Amir looked down and laughed. "Do I hear your stomach singing?"

She nodded. "It is. It wouldn't hurt to get something to eat."

"I would've gotten you something earlier, but you were recovering and on pain medication."

Twisting his body, he draped an arm around her waist and placed a hand over her stitches. Then, he closed his eyes and inhaled a breath, and exhaled.

When he didn't make a sound for two whole seconds, she asked, "What are you doing?"

"I'm trying to heal you."

"You know, you have never explained to me how you obtained those miraculous healing abilities."

His eyes locked on hers and he chuckled. "Sorry, but I didn't get a chance to read the handbook on How To Heal Your Partner From A Gunshot Wound. I'm pretty sure it has some fascinating information in it, though."

She scowled, scoffing. "I knew you wouldn't give me a straight answer."

He laughed again.

"What's so funny now?"

"You. I love you, Moon. That's all."

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