{Book Two} 123 | Poison

46 22 95

The Tethered Ones

Chapter 53
(Extended Ending)

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When Luna's eyes finally opened, she felt her body tingle and ache as though she had just finished a marathon and been mauled by wild dogs. She was annoyed by the strange beeping noise near her ear because all she wanted to do was return to the place where there was nothing. After she closed her eyes, she didn't want to reflect on the terrible things that had happened.

The beeping, on the other hand, wouldn't let her sleep. It was faint, and every beep was followed by another, as if it were chasing her or she was chasing the other beep, so she listened with her fingers twitching. A tremor shot up her arm and then through her body.

She despised being in the hospital.

She despised them as much as she despised thunderstorms.

They reminded her of death and disinfectant.

"Luna?" Her mother's soft voice was next to her. "You're awake?"

She nodded but wished she hadn't. She grimaced as pain shot through her head.

"How do you feel?" Elizabeth inquired, her tone worried.

"My head hurts."

She stood up. "I'll go find one of the doctors so they can check you out. See if they can give you something." She gave a soft smile. "Then you won't feel anything."

That is what she wanted, desired, and would love.

To not feel anything.

The room was empty except for Vikram who was lounging against the wall by the curtain. He gave her a slight wave. She smiled a little and turned away, causing another ripple of pain to run from one temple to the other.

"Honey, the doctor has good news," Elizabeth announced when she stepped in through the threshold.

"Hello, Mrs. Khan. I'm Dr. Bellanger. Do you know where you are right now?"

She shook her head.

"That's all right. This happens." He shifted his gaze to Vikram before returning his attention to her. "You've been admitted to Covington General Hospital after your fall."

"I . . . I died." Luna looked over at Vikram and her mother, who were now holding each other's hands, their lips trembling.

"You were close to death, Luna, but thankfully you have some good friends who were able to get you here in time," the doctor said. He was a middle-aged man with soft gray hair and piercing green eyes. "You suffered a concussion after falling into Lake Ramsey just as a power line collapsed. You were electrocuted and are lucky to be alive."

As the sun filtered through the blinds, she nodded at him.

"You have no broken bones and your vital signs are improving. You should go home and rest once we release you," he continued, rubbing the area where gray speckles peppered his hair near his temples. "Now, if you start experiencing dizziness or nausea, vision problems, or memory loss, you should see a doctor right away."

"Oh, her husband is a doctor," Elizabeth said, giving Luna a tight smile. "He is watching over their daughter."

"All right," Luna said as she examined the pills. At this point, she agreed to anything.

Elizabeth hovered as she took the small plastic cup and pills from her, quickly swallowing them. She didn't care what they were, and she assumed the medicine was safe because her mother and brother-in-law were next to her.

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