{Book Two} 98 | Stand-off

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∞ The Tethered Ones ∞

Chapter 28

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• Liberty •

"What do you mean we are surrounded?" Maria asked, suddenly on her feet.

Max turned to her just as Colin stepped into the cabin. "That means they're coming in here whether we like it or not. There's no other way to run without them seeing us."

"No." Liberty was determined to flee with Sarah. "Maybe we can create a distraction."

She could tell nobody was on board with that idea, considering Max was prowling the length of the living room like a caged animal. She wasn't afraid for herself, but for her niece and the innocent people in the cabin with her. They didn't deserve to be hauled off and have God knows what done to them, because she saw what the inside of St. Matthew's was like.

And it wasn't pretty.

"Can anyone fight them?" she asked.

Max passed her a steely look, and then Vikram glanced at her, his eyes wide and palms sweaty.

"We're not as fast and vigorous as other Tethered Souls," her fiancé said, "but we're able to do major damage to anyone who gets in our way."

Her stomach dropped. Doing major damage wasn't enough. She needed to do something now. What if the agents came crashing in through the windows and smashed into the doors just to get Sarah? Max stopped in front of the window, his shoulders squared. Then it hit her all at once. There was no escaping from them outside. She'd seen two of them aiming their weapons at the front, and she couldn't just do nothing. She may not have any superhuman abilities, but she knew how to do one thing. Run.

Four years of running for her high school track team had given her the endurance and drive to push her through any situation she encountered. Now was a time for her to test her capabilities.

"Can they see us inside the house?"

Max paused. "They have the proper instruments to do so. I can't tell if they have anything with them from here."

"What about the woods?"

There was another pause. "Liberty, I don't know. They probably have something on them. I doubt they'd be out there without anything that could seriously harm us."

"Damn." She groaned and slowly backed away into the hallway toward the room Sarah and her parents were in. The rest of them were huddled in a circle in the middle of the room, so she had a moment to formulate a plan.

Rushing into the bedroom, she quickly locked the door behind her and stared straight into her parent's eyes. Her niece kept her gaze on the Yo-Yo she was playing with.

"Mom . . . Dad."

"Honey, what is it?" Lawrence asked.

"I have an idea, Dad." Liberty stepped forward, almost knocking over a stack of DVDs. "It's kind of crazy, but I think it could work. It'll help us during this stand-off."

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