{Book Two} 71 | Weapon

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To every Tethered Soul out there . . .
Thank you for being here every step of the way, and I hope you find the person you are connected to forever. We're all Tethered Ones until we find our partner. I have found mine in my Tethered Fans. I love you guys.

The Tethered Ones

Chapter 1

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Luna •

Back in the day, Luna had her whole life planned out. It involved graduating from high school and later at a prestigious university, then one day getting married and having children. Once she tied the knot, she wanted to go to the Eiffel Tower and blast "We're Going To The Chapel Of Love" as loud as she could and hold her husband's hand as they reminisced the moment they both said, "I do."

But sometimes plans don't always go the way everyone hoped they would. Sometimes people derailed someone's plans for their gain.

Sometimes those people were like Chase Marquette — the man who took everything away from her.

Amir Khan — her wonderful husband — never had a chance to do that. And everything about their life together felt like it was now ending. It felt like someone stabbed her chest repeatedly and never withdrew the blade.

In simple terms: Chase Marquette was a dead man.

Now that she had him right where she wanted him, with her fingers wrapped around his neck, she was ready to destroy everything that made him who he was. He deserved the worse kind of punishment known to man. He took Amir's life away from him, and that was not okay. Not at all.

The muscles in her body tensed quickly at the thought of what she could do to him. Her heart ached as she glared directly at him lying under her, defenseless. She had power over him, unsure how she became so strong.

A dim light flickered from the window, casting a long shadow of their silhouette along the wall. Chase's presence was like an avalanche crashing down upon her, burying her body into the ground. And she knew she'd probably wish she were dead, because with him being in the same space as her meant he wanted to hurt her. Panic ruffled down into the pit of her stomach, squeezing her insides to death. Her breath caught deep in her throat, and nothing could come out of her mouth. She had a million things to say and ask, but he wasn't worth the breath he breathed.

He's not doing anything, Luna thought, wondering why Chase wasn't fighting back.

All kinds of crazy stuff flooded through her mind as she was looking at him — torture, mind-altering techniques, electro-shock therapy, more sleeping chambers. The possibilities were all there, and that vile of a human being was unpredictable. She knew she should jump up and step away before she ended up killing him, and nothing was scarier than that, which caused her heart to pound rapidly at the realization.

She was finally able to give him a taste of his own medicine, and she couldn't stop, even if she wanted to.

Drawing in several deep breaths, Luna hopped up and brought her hands out in front of her, cautioning Chase to stay back with her stare. He softly chuckled and smiled, like she was no match for him. She realized the only way she'll get any real answers was to do what she was used to. Cooperate.

"Wow, Moon. You're . . . you're stronger than I remember."

Luna's heart turned over heavily at the sound of his voice uttering her nickname. He knew that would ruffle her feathers, calling her something that was only allotted by her husband, but he didn't care.

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