68 | Hunter

94 34 93


[ P A R T  F I V E ]

━━━─── • ───━━━

Slowly opening her eyes as she felt her head jerk to her left side, Luna groaned. Looking around, she noticed she was in the inside of a white van, with her limbs bound to a gurney. She could feel the prick of a needle in her right arm and peered her gaze upward, spotting an IV. Her eyes trailed the back as they landed on the one person whom she never wanted to see again. Chase.

He'd caught her in the forest. He must have known they were running there. She wanted to get away; she wanted her friends and family to be safe, and she wanted to escape from his wrath.



My family?

She tried to remain calm and relaxed as best as she could, knowing he was right beside her legs. On the other side of him were Dr. Kim and Nurse Smith from St. Matthew's. 

Oh Lord, I'm back to the insane treatments and shock therapy. Kill me now.

Chase sat with one knee hooked over the other, hands folded together as he grinned at her in his polished black suit. The nurse was in the same uniform Luna last saw her in. And does Dr. Kim ever change his clothes? He just looked perfect in a creepy china-doll way.

A fine sheen of sweat covered her forehead as she glanced toward the ceiling, knowing she was about to get more shocks any moment now. She wondered how everyone was and if they had gotten away.

"You're probably wondering where we're headed, Luna." 

Her tolerance of him was eating her alive.

He chuckled in his seat as she stayed silent.

Shifting her eyes in his direction, Luna glared as she met his gaze. There wasn't an ounce of emotion in his cold stare. "No. I know where."

A soft smile pulled at his lips. "You couldn't possibly think you could get away from me, did you, baby?"

"Don't call me that! That right belongs to my husband! "

"Ah, yes, Amir Ibrahim Khan. You know, when I met him the first time, he didn't know I knew who he was. He was shaking so badly as his eyes stared into mine. I could sense the agony his soul was in when he couldn't pound into me. So I returned the favor, to insult his intelligence, by picking on him for speaking English. That really rattled him. It was quite funny."

The van jerked to a stop and then sped off quickly, and all she wanted to do was shove him out of the back door and let someone run over his body. "You are nothing but a big asshole and a narcissist."

"Oof. Like that hurt my heart. You don't know what went on."

"Yes, I do. You aren't the only one who can tap into someone's mind."

"Yes. But I am curious about something, Mrs. Khan. Why did you break the rule and fall in love with Amir?"

"Because he knows how to give me what I need, unlike soulless jerks like you."

"Okay, well, that doesn't hurt me a bit. It's alluring how your connection to him has developed like this," he said, hovering over her waist. "I am curious as to what made you want to be with him?"

"He has an anaconda in his pants."

"But you were feeling something for him before sex," Chase murmured. "I looked into his history. He was a virgin until you two got married by — I might add — my close informant. You two did the deed many times in the house and not once have gotten sick. It's odd."

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