45 | Shelter

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Amir •

 On the long drive to the hospital, everyone rushed for freedom and shelter.

They were out.

But they weren't free, or alone.

Not all the vehicles were blown to shreds or weren't working properly. The group was chased both on the ground and in the air. Amir sat in the backseat with Luna, but the tranquilizer kept closing her eyes. He tried to get himself in its way. He could see that the man was aiming with a loaded gun from the top floor. He just couldn't move quickly enough. It can put people to sleep for hours if not days.

"There's a light shining on us!" Sergeant Decker yelled from the driver's seat. "What do you think we should do?"

The motel Faisal and Amir booked was a few blocks from the main highway, two miles away.

"I have an idea!" Amir shouted over the helicopter blades nearing. "Ditch the truck!"

"What?" Faisal shouted beside Amir.

"We have no choice," Amir told him.

"Amir?" Darren said, sitting in the front seat and gazing back at him. "You guys aren't that far from the main highway. Ditch it there."

"This vehicle is almost out of gas," Sergeant Decker said over the loud sounds of sirens in the distance. "Who the hell comes out here for work and keeps their truck low on gas? It's stupid."

"Just reach the end of the road, and we'll make a run for it," said Amir.

Sergeant Decker nodded back and slammed down on the gas pedal.

He reached the end of the road ten minutes later, and they all hopped out. Amir scooped Luna into his arms, and she felt so light—lighter than a teddy bear.

"We'll run to my motel room," Amir told Sergeant Decker as he shut off the truck. "Both of you run toward the campground. I'll contact Cami when Luna and I are safe."

Cami nodded and hugged Luna.

"Be safe, guys," Cami said.

"You too. See you soon."

Amir and Luna took cover in a huge woods as the helicopters abruptly slowed down, shining their bright light over the truck they drove in. They witnessed men dropping to the ground while they searched on foot.

Not even five seconds passed, and Amir heard gunshots in the distance and worried about Cami and Sergeant Decker getting to safety. He didn't even think about what would happen if he were caught. The sergeant saved them. He kept that secret from Amir for a few days. His wife was also tethered.

Between New Orleans to surrounding cities, Amir and Luna crossed two railroads. They rested on long wooden piles in an abandoned building. He had to check on her, but stopping was dangerous. As Luna's heart rate increased, Amir feared for her life.

He looked at the sky and saw nothing. Only a few stars were out, and the moon was a crescent, which he admired. Amir caressed her face with an arm around her waist while holding her close to his chest.

"Why . . . Why did you stop?"

"You needed a rest."

"We need to go. They'll . . . catch us."

"We will keep going in a few minutes, Moon."

"Not here. It's too . . . too close."

"Baby, please." Amir's voice croaked on the last word. Her eyes shot open, and she placed a hand over her chest. "I want you to rest. I don't want you to have a seizure."

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