4 | Connections

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Luna •

Luna loved butterflies. They were lively creatures. And running in heels was worth their sight.

They were instantly noticeable thanks to their shiny and colorful wings. They hovered over groups of flowers to suck the luscious ambrosia through their snout, unintentionally collecting pollen on their torso.

Luna had once helped Sarah with a pollination project, and she had found herself reading about butterflies. She could recall every detail about them.

She remembered a fascinating documentary about their species, in which they were said to embody a symbol of positivity, promise, and a good omen, silently seen as a message from a guardian angel.

Her heart would flutter whenever she saw two of them flying close together. Various cultures would see them as a perfect symbol of love, while others saw them as a symbol of a confident young woman or marital bliss.

She imagined butterflies flying together as if tethered, two beings brought together by destiny. One butterfly would be the angel's soulmate and bodyguard in their divine realm, built to protect it from any foe. They were like two spirits who were eternally linked.

Her spirit chose to fly and weave itself into the natural world, giving her tranquility to overcome the daily struggles she faced. Her soul found peace when she inhaled deeply.


Sighing, she turned back, and Sarah dashed forward, wrapping her arms around her mother.

"I couldn't find you," Sarah said, rubbing her nose against Luna's.

"I didn't mean to go far away from you or daddy, but I saw these magnificent creatures flying by the tree over there."

Luna pointed to the flower bush where the butterflies had landed, admiring their iridescent beauty in the golden rays of sunlight. "Aren't they lovely?"

Sarah gaped. "There are two of them."

"There are, and do you want to know what makes them special when they fly together?"

"What is it, Mommy?"

"When two butterflies are together, they are thought to be a symbol of love. I see them as tethered ones," Luna whispered, crouching down next to her little girl.

"The butterflies are soulmates, right?" Sarah asked, grinning.

"More like companions. They were destined to be connected."

"Can we have a pair of butterflies as pets, Mommy? I'll take care of them and everything."

Luna chuckled and hugged her, reveling in her compassion. Sarah always had a warm and generous heart.

"We can't have insects as pets, Sarah. They should be free to live wherever they want."

Her daughter scowled, and Luna gently lifted her chin, gazing into her eyes. "I know you want another pet, but I'll look into adopting an animal soon."

"Okay, but I'd really like another dog. Dogs are on the top of my list!"

• • •

"Hey, Mommy," Sarah said as she entered the kitchen after a two-hour nap.

Luna was whisking a bowl of chocolate. "How was your nap?"

"It was fantastic! I dreamed about living in a magical land, with faeries in an ancient realm! I can't wait to dream again!"

Luna chuckled, and Sarah took a seat at the table. "That sounds lovely, and I'm glad you're rested now."

"What are you baking?"

"Something for daddy," Luna said as she mixed in chocolate chips. "I'm making chocolate chip cookies."

"They look delicious," Sarah said, glancing around the room. "Where is Daddy?"

"He is in his study, taking care of some business for work."

Luna took a baking pan from the cupboard and set it down to begin preparing the cookies she'd made. "Once this batch is finished, don't touch them. These are for him."

"They're shaped like butterflies?"

Luna nodded. "I discovered my butterfly cookie cutter in the drawer."

Sarah's eyebrows furrowed. "May I have one?"

Her mother's lips pursed. "You know the answer to that, darling. They're dessert, and we eat that after dinner. You'll spoil your appetite."

"No, I won't," Sarah stated flatly, shaking her head. "I'll eat everything."

"All right," Luna said sternly. "Let me finish daddy's batch, and maybe I'll give you a cookie."

"Yay!" exclaimed Sarah.

Luna smiled as she walked into Chase's office.

"What is this?" he asked when she handed him a plate of cookies.

"Oh, nothing special. I was baking and wanted to make you something sweet."

"Aw, thank you, sugar." He jumped up and walked over to her, leaning forward to give her a soft kiss on the cheek. "Are these in the shape of butterflies?"

She smiled. "I wanted to be creative because they are the next pet Sarah would like to adopt."

"So, she's stopped talking about adopting more dogs?"

She shook her head. "Not entirely. I believe she misses Otis and Julius as small puppies."

Chase reached for his water bottle. "What is she doing now?"

"She's coloring at the table, and I'm about to go back in there and finish dinner."

He sighed. "I am hungry. I haven't eaten since this morning, and getting these clients back on track is exhausting," he uttered, rubbing his bloodshot eyes.

"I'm sure, honey," Luna replied as she placed the cookies on the table.

She knew his job as a financial advisor affected him, with him staying up later some nights or working late at his office in downtown.

But he'd continued to help his clients, just as she had with her photography. They both enjoyed the work they did.

He took a cookie and chewed on it. "Thank you for baking these. They're delicious."

"Mommy! Daddy!" Sarah yelled as she scampered through the door.

"Yes, sweetpea?" Chase lowered his waist to look at her.

"Look at what I colored. I created butterflies and stayed within the lines."

Sarah and Chase exchanged a smile when they looked down at it.

What a beautiful memory for her, Luna thought.

"I'll call you guys when dinner's ready," Luna stated as she reached the doorway.

Her breath caught once she crossed the threshold. She looked around and realized she was inside an unfamiliar house with arched windows and velvety drapes drawn, the sunset streaming in, gracing the air and illuminating the lovely browns of the wooden floor.

Twisting her neck to the right, she noticed a frame with Arabic letters in the living room and heard soft murmurs coming from a room at the end of a long hallway.

Her muscles tightened when her heart pounded in its chambers, taking in the surroundings. A tingling sensation ran through her fingers, causing a surge of energy as she wondered how she got here.

Where am I?

Her body jolted after she walked up to an open doorway, and she became paralyzed when she peered inside, staring at a man hunched over on a mat, praying.

Panic washed over her, raising the fine hairs on the back of her neck, suddenly realizing she was in another part of the world and didn't know where, much less . . . how?

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Thank you for reading my story. I appreciate you.

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