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The Tethered Ones

Chapter 2

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Luna •

Luna had never given too much thought about her future. She has loved very few people in her life, and she always adored raising her daughter to be a wonderful and caring young woman. She also had found new love with someone she never thought would be possible.

Amir Khan. He showed her what true love was.

One day, he came to her and surprised her. At that exact moment in time, she wasn't able to explore something deeper with him. But as her feelings began growing deeper for him, she couldn't turn them off, and she wouldn't have tried even if she wanted to.

The moment he turned his keys into her ignition, she knew she didn't mind him staying in the driver's seat. Being with him has had many curves thrown between them, but none of those meant anything. They'd always found their way back to each other, despite everything.

A few days ago, she'd woken up in an unfamiliar home and fought her way to talk to him, but only to have her soul crushed at the realization that she may have lost him forever.

Her husband's memories of her were gone.

That news shattered her insides like someone had stabbed her directly in the heart. She couldn't understand it at first, but she was livid and realized her ex-fiancé was the reason behind it.

Chase injected Amir with a powerful sedative that caused his heart to stop beating, but then he quickly revived him a moment later. He needed to separate Amir and Luna's telepathic connection to each other so he could inflict more emotional scars upon her.

Helping her husband regain his memories was one obstacle that he will overcome. She was determined to help him remember their daughter and their life together as husband and wife. She wasn't even sure if he'd lost his memory of being a practicing Muslim.

That thought tormented her.

Islam had kept Amir stay grounded, and praying to Allah has helped him in his troubles. Being a devout Muslim helped shape him into the extraordinary human he has become. And if he'd lost his faith, the one part of him that made him whole, Luna was sure she'd help restore it. His faith mattered to him, and her.

He will also remember the gift he was born with. A Tethered One; a person with extraordinary abilities. He was paired with her after she was born, and the moment they'd first locked eyes upon one another, they felt an immediate connection. She knew she needed him, and he knew she would be the only person he'd ever desire in his lifetime.

Just recently, they learned they also harness a deeper power inside of them when they hold hands. They can bring light into their darkened world. They were powerful together, and without him, she was empty. They were one, and they were Pure Souls, who were destined for each other, designed by creation.

One way or another, he will return to her, and when he does, they will strip away all the power of the person who did this to him. Chase had another thing coming when her husband retrieves his lost memories.

The Khan Family were not ones to screw over, and she was certain there was an army of friends, family, and allies ready to help in their journey to win this war. But they must first go into battle.

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