60 | Walima I

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• Walima is another word for reception.

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Luna •

Feeling like one of those cute female characters who raises her leg while being kissed by Prince Charming, Luna was overflowing with happiness and was swept off her feet as Amir continued kissing her. They quickly signed the license for the State of Louisiana and took several photographs with it in their hands. It was a piece of paper that she held tightly. A certificate of marriage between two people who can live anywhere, legally, along with their Nikah documents.

She and Sarah were now accepted in the Muslim community as one of their own, and their Nikah meant everything to her. Now, they were about to enjoy their walima.

She couldn't stop smiling, nor could she stop crying. She couldn't tell how her makeup was, but she was sure it washed away from her eyelids. Since she and Amir's speeches were spoken and they exchanged vows, Luna had been in a constant state of dizziness. This didn't feel real.

On the way in through the backdoor, Cami stopped them. "Just one more picture, Mrs. Photographer," she said, smiling. "You two are so precious. I can't help but take a million pictures of both of you." 

She flashed a photo of them and Amir peered over Luna's shoulder to look at it while he kept his arms around her waist. The photo was of their kiss, their first kiss being united for eternity. Their first kiss as a married couple. "Good grief," Luna said, her skin burning. "We were eating each other's faces off." 

Amir wiggled his eyebrows and chuckled, then whispered into her ear, "What can I say? I love your taste. I can't get enough of your . . . sugar." 

Luna's face felt warm as she looked away, grinning at the way he expressed himself. 

Cami just smiled and stepped aside so they could walk through. "You two are passionate about each other. That is the kind of love that lasts a lifetime. You guys are lucky." 

"And blessed." And at that moment, Luna knew how blessed they truly were, all things considered. 

She looked up at her husband while he gazed at the festivities going on in the kitchen and great room. She knew getting married the legal way will throw up a lot of red flags, but they'll face them together. They'll have a tough road ahead of them, but they'll figure it out as one.

For several minutes, Luna and Amir hung out inside the house and visited with their friends and family. Neither of them could let go of each other or stop eying one another. Thirty minutes went by as they did the normal "cutting of the cake" routine, which was beautifully made by the ladies. The cake was three tiers high, with buttercream icing on top and the words "Just Nikah-fied" settled on top.

Then the couple made a few toasts, drinking grape juice, and then Luna tossed her bouquet to the unmarried women of the group, which Cami caught before Liberty.

She watched as Amir snickered toward Faisal, hinting to him that it was his time.

She then visited with her new family as Sarah got to know Uncle Adnan and her grandmother. Her daughter kept playing with Maryam's hair and the jewelry around her neck. As soon as Luna saw Amir stand up and walk into the hallway, she brought her attention to Colin and Raul as they played their version of beer pong but without the beer; only water.

While gazing their way, Luna felt a hand grace her shoulder and whipped her head around, staring at her husband. She hopped up and flattened her dress, then walked wherever he led her to.

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