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Amir •

When Amir woke up, he yawned and stretched out on his bed, feeling his heart beat quickly in his chest. He felt like he had climbed Mount Everest in a few seconds, and he couldn't calm down. It was the day of his wedding, and he thought Luna saying yes to him was a dream. Her soul and energy gave off a feeling of love that made him unable to stay away from her. Even if he tried, he wouldn't.

The night before, he and the guys didn't do anything too crazy. He was worried that Faisal might have learned something from The Hangover movies they had watched and put something in their drinks, which would put him on the roof of the house and make him burn in the sun.

But that didn't happen. Amir guess it would be payback if something like that happened; he did slip drugs into people's beverages at the hospital, even though they deserved it. Sergeant Decker won the last round of a card game he'd been hosting, so he called it a night and the other guys left Amir's room. Faisal, on the other hand, thought it would be funny to throw ice cubes under Amir's blanket, making him jump up as if he had been bitten. All the guys laughed.

"Just in case you wake up, missing your lady."

Amir could kill him, but he was just playing with him. Somehow, Faisal had slipped the ice cubes under the covers when he wasn't paying attention. That was why the guys snickered around him and gazed at one another like someone broke wind. It was his cousin and his ice cube prank. He was adamant about talking with the guys later about it. Especially with his cousin.

Rising and swinging his legs to the side, Amir placed his feet on the floor and stood for a moment, yawning. Then he slowly made his way to the bathroom, where he took a shower and brushed his teeth. After putting some things away in his room, he got ready to meet everyone downstairs. But, before doing that, Allah came first. Instead of going into the hall to see if his wife or daughter were there, he got out his prayer mat and started praying.

He prayed to Allah for His blessing on their union, for the gift of Sarah in his life, and for His guidance in their future. He humbly asked God to keep his family safe at home and to bless everyone who was hurt because of their DNA. He prayed for Luna's family and the people who continued to help their group while they are in hiding.

"In the name of Allah, O Allah, keep Satan away from us, and him away from the blessing of our home. Keep him away from the life that you are granting us."

Amir adjusted his legs and prayed another prayer.

"O Allah, bless my wife for me and bless me for her. Bless the little life she carried before me and any future lives you grant us. O Allah, unite us with goodness and grace, and let there be no sadness upon us on this day, and for the remainder of our lives."

"Hey, Amir," he heard from the other side of his door. "It's Darren."

"Come in," Amir said, bringing himself up and rolling his mat. 

Darren opened the door and looked down, his eyes furrowed. "Sorry. I must have come at the wrong time. I was looking for something I'd left in your room." 

"It's fine. I was finishing up. What did you leave?" 

Darren looked around and walked toward Amir's dresser. "Here it is. I took my watch off last night. It was making my wrist itching." 

"I see." 

"How are you feeling, brother? Today's the day!" 

Amir chuckled. "I'm nervous, but I'm more worried about my wife and daughter." 

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