
"Seems like you have forgotten, baby. Remember you asked me to match with you. And look, we are matching." That's when I remembered I asked him to try and guess the colour of my dress and match with me.

"Oh, yes I remembered." I smiled sheepishly at him.

"So, what's the prize for me?" He caressed my arm and entwined our fingers together and brought them to his lips and kissed my hand.

"What do you want?" I whispered. He smirked.

"I will tell you when the time is right. Finish getting ready, I just have a phone call to make." He kissed my temple. I nodded and continued getting ready.

After I was done, I was looking at myself one last time in the mirror when I noticed something red on my neck upon closer inspection I knew it was hickey. He gave me a hickey again. I shook my head and took out my concealer and covered it.

"You done?" He walked into the room. I nodded and walked towards him. When he looked at me he cursed under his breath. "Do you have any idea how fucking beautiful you look." He caressed my hair. I smiled.

"Thank you. You don't look bad, yourself either." I stood on my toes and picked his lips. " Come on, let's go."

"Why did you cover the hickey?" He asked annoyed. "Everyone will be looking at what's mine and I don't like it." 

"You know I wasn't going to walk out with a hickey right?" I laughed at his expression. 

"I guess, come on." He sighed  as we walked hand in hand into the backyard where the ceremony was taking place. It was packed with people from both sides of the family. If this is the situation for just the Roka ceremony I can't imagine what it will be like during the wedding.

"Come on, I see Ekansh and Sachi over there." Avy pointed towards where they were standing.

We walked towards them, Ekansh and Sachi were talking to some other people and as soon as they saw us they excused themselves and started walking towards us. "Bhabhi, you look so pretty. I'm sure Kartavya Bhai is having a hard time keeping his hands to himself." Sachi teased with a playful smile.

"You look gorgeous Sachi." I gushed.

"Oh trust me, it is hard." Avy pulled me closer to him. I jabbed him in his stomach while Ekansh rolled his eyes. "What! Don't be jealous, Ekansh. If you had a wife like mine you would know." He smirked. Ekansh rolled his eyes again. "So what are so many people doing here? I thought only family was being invited to the Roka?" Avy asked.

"Oh you know just Chachi being her usual self she wants everyone to know her son is getting married." Ekansh murmured in a bored tone. "Come on, let's sit somewhere I'm not interested in small talk, people are starting to annoy me." We nodded and joined our family who were standing at the front. And soon the ceremony started

The ceremony was going without any hitch when Karthik walked in and stood beside us. Avy raised an eyebrow at him but he just smiled sheepishly and shrugged his shoulders. "Where were you?"

"I was sleeping and I just woke up." He rubbed his neck.

"Okay." He smiled at me and I nodded at him.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with that group?" Sachi questioned Karthik pointing at Bhabhi and Kavya who were glaring at Karthik.

He scowled at her when she raised her eyebrow at him, he sighed and looked at them. "I understood what we did was wrong and I apologised to Bhabhi and bhai in the morning." Sachi looked at him with a surprised expression. "What! Why are you looking at me like that? Yes I made a mistake, I realised and then apologised." Sachi sighed.

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