Chapter 47: The Lord of Dust's Inclusion

Start from the beginning

While he was reluctant at first in making use of humanity as he deemed to be too weak towards anything, Abaddon do noticed that the Insurgents can be of use in spreading the influence of Asmodeus' benevolence to the downtrodden people and furthermore, they are also smarter than he give them credit for.

And through Hastur's experimentation with some new weapons, the Insurgents will be a useful members of the Tartarus Empire.

Said weapons are the Vandal Arms, being similar towards Imperial Arms of the Empire or Teigu as they are called only that they are not only mass produced but are also magically powered weapons and can be used by anyone.

Abaddon thought of them as the Cursed Weapons except that they are not powerful (to an extent) nor do they give a disadvantaged attribute. They are just advance and powerful but does not make anyone invincible and yet, they nonetheless get the job done.

And Abaddon watched as the Insurgents of Chaos were all training.

Such as the Insurgent Soldiers, men wearing a highly conspicuous and all-concealing leather outfit consisting of a long leather thick coat while a helmet and some sort of respiratory mask with glowing red eyes as Abaddon watched them open fire on their practice dummies with their new weapons.

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