Mammon Character Information:

Start from the beginning

And that include all manner of debauchery he could think of because if there is one thing he isn't openly ashamed of and is that he is a perverted, horny man who wants a good fuck and that is all.

However, despite how he can be cruel and evil to a tee and is clearly a sociopath with no chance to repent himself, Mammon does show himself to care about those he deemed as his 'family' however eager he can overly get to show his affection.

Even his sex slaves he shows affection too which is utterly uncomfortable as well as his loyal servants and people who seemed to return his affection as well.

In fact, contrary to what people think in his rule and how he is unrepentant to the core, Mammon is actually a genuinely caring figure who has genuine love for his 'sheep' which he protects them wholeheartedly in comparison to the many nobles in the Empire who are.... not exactly caring.

It is because of this that he always bullied other rich people and because of his influence, he can do whatever he wants and even have their wealth stolen for him and while the aristocrats in the Empire love to bully the common people because they are superior, Mammon bully other aristocrats because he is far superior to them and as the richest man in the Empire, one that had e every connection in the Empire and the money to bribe even law enforcers to turn the other cheek from his grasp, Mammon will bully them because they dared to think they are superior and they must realize who truly ranked in the pecking order in things.

Overall, Mammon is overly ambitious with little loyalty to anyone except only to himself and as his ambition continues, so does what he wants and what he gets, no matter how much he can cause and how much it will ruin everything.

Because so long as he remained the ruler, that is all that matters.

Powers and Abilities:
Mammon is one of the Empire's most influential figures in the city that eclipse even the Child Emperor Makoto and the Prime Minister Honest for the fact that he has more wealth, more influence, more political control and finally enough, had the 'magical touch' to make sure that he stays in power and maintain his rule in a portion of the Imperial City that is no longer under the control of the government, making it N.G.O. of a superpower inside a superpower like the Empire.

And of course, the fact that he starts off with all the amount of riches at his disposal during his days as a player in YGGDRASIL and the fact that he is a high level Maedar/Medusa Warlock-Duelist with all the magic and the weaponry at his disposal alongside the knowledge of the 'plot' of the anime does indicate it all of his immeasurable start of his power.

A Maedar Warlock-Duelist from the get-go, Mammon is truly the most powerful being in the whole wide world and he sticks out like a sore thumb in a low fantasy setting like Akame ga Kill! by being a magical, supernatural entity that can easily crush like ants if he can were it not for his own amusement and ambition.

Mammon is both a Maedar and Medusa which are both male and female of a species of serpentine humanoids that can both turn people to stone with a gaze and switched them back which makes Mammon both male and female on all accounts thought instead of a serpentine hair, he has snakes coming out of his back although he can still turn anyone to stone with nothing but his gaze as well as controlling it as well as how his serpents which he considers as his children would gorge on Mammon's victims with inhumane relish.

And of course, being a warlock, he primarily sticks out like a sore thumb due to the fact that he can do magic in a world that no one can barely do that, and Mammon's own magic is rather out of depth to anyone's knowledge especially by how he can mind control anyone with nary their first response to it which also include his many spells like illusion, immense control over fire, ice, poison, curses, overseeing, conjuring entities from beyond and so much more.

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