109 (the last painting)

350 15 11

Yn :- (gulped) hana...?

It was still dark ,the person moved closer gripping her more tightly and wispered in her ear "quite close".
Yn immediately pushed herself back, making the person hit the wall and loosen the grip and as she turned around she saw Rachel glaring at her aggressively.

Yn :- (she took her step back, moving her blade in front) I knew something was weird about yo...(she stumbled upon something and fell on her back) what the...(she moved up on her elbows and saw Ryan laying down unconscious) Oh shit...

she moved closer to check if he was okay when all of a sudden someone wrapped a hanky infront of her face and she dropped unconscious dropped next to him

Few minutes later yn tiredly opened her eyes and realized her hands were tied back to the edge of the bed and on the other end Ryan was tied up . They were still in Hana's room with the lights vividly working.

Yn:- (wispered loudly) Ryan, Ryan???

Ryan:- (slowly opened his eyes, trying to zone back in and looked at yn) where...are we ?

Yn:- (took a breath of relief) oh thank god you are okay

Ryan:- (getting back his conscious) who did this to us ?

Yn :- Rachel and I think her helper

Ryan :- (shocked tone) What !?

Yn :- Ya, there was something weird I was feeling when she got impulsive about that basement thing ,I think she is possed by Hana's spirit! Now all I can faintly hear her chanting some black magic spells

Ryan:- way fast to realize ma'am, after she might kill us any minute!

Yn :- No she won't, we'll find a way !

Ryan :- 😒What way !?

Yn :- let me think !.....HEY, do you have your phone ?

Ryan:- (trying to check in his pocket)Ya... I think but how do I take it out !?

Yn :- just bend you body and hand a little so you can reach it

Ryan tried hard but wasn't able to

Yn :- ummm wiggle wiggle?

Ryan:- 😶 NO !

Yn :- 😑 Just Do it !

Ryan rolled his eyes and wiggle his hips swiftly and the phone immediately dropped

Yn :- Aha ,awesome

Ryan:- I know I am , even I had this idea !

Yn :- (sarcastically) Sure ! Ok , now just click the sos button and J, John ,Lee Rang will immediately get our location and emergency message !

Ryan :- ya wait....(Ryan pushed his phone towards his hand when suddenly Rachel barged in with her helper in the back

Rachel:- how are my new subjects

Yn and Ryan looked at each other as he hide his phone in the back

Rachel:- (gave an evil smirk, tilting her head) I have been waiting soo many years to paint again (she moved closer to yn and aggressively brushed her hair) soo many year !

Yn :- Okay so how about in exchange of our lives I give you brand new stationary set ,there are more than 50 shades ,take the offer now or regret it later !

Ryan :- (Gave yn a death stare) Seriously!?

She got up and smiled taking out an old looking paint brush ,with vintage carving and a blade sharp end with droplets of blood

The tale of the nine tailed - Lee Rang Version/Kim Bum (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now