Chapter 82 Part 1

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Next Day

Y/N was wondering around in the school hall ,drinking Ice Tea from her juice box thinking about something, when she came across the conference hall were Eric, some ministers and all powerful and senior wizards were sitting at the table. Eric was sitting in the center, yn smiled and waved at him , Eric chuckled and smiled back.

Suddenly one of the senior defense officer said "So Prince what do you think about the foriegn ties with Vanguard , should we keep a meeting ?

Eric:- (nervous and stressed tone) ...sure !

Eliphas:- (in heavy firm tone)No , we should actually wait after their next election! We will get alot of fund during that period!

Eric:- Umm...sounds good!

Y/N while slurping her juice noticed Eric looked uncomfortable and stressed ,she raised her eyebrows as he looked back at her .
Eliphas noticed him and looked out of the door ,yn gasped and ran away ,to the college canteen and sat down with Silver who was working on a project.

Silver:- Why are you panting?

Y/N:- There was some conference going and Sir Eliphas looked straight at me , so I ran !

Silver:- Oh (deeply exhales in tensed tone) I hate this subject, I wanted to take something else but my parents didn't agree (sighs) anyway can you keep an eye on my stuff , I have to show this project to the teacher !

Y/N:- Sure no problem!

Y/N sat down as Silver went to the teacher , she was again lost in her thoughts ,mumbling to her self

Y/N:- one with rose...musical

Eric:- (waved his hand in front of her) Lost somewhere ?

Y/N:- (moved her head up) Hi ! (He sat down with her) Intense meeting and all hun !

Eric :- (sighs) Ya...

Y/N:- Can I ask you something?

Eric:- ofcourse!

Y/N:- Are you....happy?

Eric:- I....(he pauses) don't know ! (He stressfully moved his hands over his face) When father was alive he used to manage all these Politics, ruling and stuff. I don't even like it but according to the law now I'm supposed to continue the legacy ! I already feel soo guilty that I had caused soo much problem to my people by marrying moon and now when I'm back there is this constant pressure to meet everyone's expectations ,to do everything right !

Y/N:- First of all stop blaming yourself for what Moon did , all you did was love and marry her! No one expected she could do all this and... tell me one thing....when do you think you are the happiest?

Eric:- umm... whenever I'm in my science lab and I make a new product with technology and magic (a smiles comes on his face) I feel this sudden rush of happiness!

Y/N:- then do that ! You are anyway excellent in it ! As I heard before the best innovation in technology and magical stuff in this world are developed by YOU , you literally made that Iron man suit AS A GHOST ! Imagine how much potential you have ! You should definitely go for it !

Eric:- (huffed) Sure and who will take care of the kingdom!

Y/N:- umm.......Ya ! Sir Eliphas seems like a good option! He has years of experience, knows politics and most important ,he even has that authoritative, scary look !

Eric:- (laughed) ya he does but....(sighs) that's not how it works ! What will everyone think ! I mean I don't want to do it but I HAVE TO do it !

Y/N:- 🤔hmm...oh 😃 just like the modern day democracy works ,one person doesn't has to make all decisions, make a team and Sir Eliphas the president or prime minister, while you can still remain the prince while pursuing your dreams ! Problem solved!

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