Chapter 47

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Yu-ri:- (curiously) So what happened next ? did you kill her family? she seemed right about the sisters thing, then why do you hate her ? And Did something happen between you two that night ? (Gasps) Did you two then dated....what happened?



Lee Rang:- (smiled) No, there will always be one girl !....YN !

🎞 Flashback  continued 🎞

Lee Rang:- (held her hands ,banging her on the wall) Olivia I....(and looked her up and down) I won't do it ! Get that thing straight! And STOP SEDUCING ME !

Olivia:- (pissed tone) Why can't you do it with me ! Am I not beautiful enough! Every man in this city kills to just spend a night with me and (scoffed) you are denying this body ! (Held his hand and kept it on her breast) Common feel me ,you can have all this ! Stop denying!

Lee Rang:- (moved his hand away) ENOUGH! Do you really think I wouldn't have done it already with any women I wanted! (Pissed and confused tone) But I don't ....want to ! I...I..(even he didn't know what he wanted, whenever a woman tried getting closer ,he just felt something was either wrong or missing but no idea what ,so in annoyed ,confused  tone he said) I am just against all these stupid human feelings and desires!

Olivia:- thats because you haven't tried it (getting closer to him) give me a chance!

Lee Rang:- (closing his eye's ,turning away) you first go and dress yourself and second thing...No ! I don't feel attracted towards any woman ,not you ,not anyone, so if you still want me in the plan, then stop with all these vulgar act's of yours!

Olivia:- (scoffed) Sure ! (Annoyed tone) I think it's not because you are not attracted towards me but it's because you are not a man ! You are nothing but a sad ,pathetic ,wining bitch who doesn't have the balls to satisfy a women ! (And she left the room banging the door)

N :- Basically concent was still not considered important ,for men too, they just thought us as nothing but a predator who only wanted to f* every women we see but I...I didn't know what I wanted, I wanted to get intimate but...not with anyone and even thinking about it made me really uncomfortable and...(chuckled) Love was a thing that I never thought I would ever fall for so I realized maybe being physical with anyone is not my thing (smiled) Untill the day I saw YN....(chuckled) I actually didn't even saw her when she touched my hand in the bus for first time and I had these BURST of brand new emotions ! She made me experience these new feelings that I didn't knew I had in me ! She is the only woman I ever touched in intimate way and she is the only one I ever want too....
But (sighed) back to 18 century !

It was 2 days before Christmas, Tuesday,23 Dec 1884 , after 2 days we had to attack the family, I had arranged all the types of silvers and supernatural stuff to bring down the whole pack easily but then I heard a noise from downstairs and I rushed down to the kitchen area from where the noise came. As a reached the kitchen I saw blood all over kitchen counter , a man who seemed brutally killed was lying on the floor and there she was....Oliva drinking his blood, through the shadows she smiled...

Olivia:- (chuckles, cleaning her mouth) Hi handsome !

Lee Rang:- (confused and shocked) Wait you are a werewolf then how...!?

Olivia:- (sighs ,throwing the body of the dead man aside) Ya but werewolf can only live upto 300 year's, max 350 ! And we start to age after 250 and I'm way too pretty to age ! So...ya basically I kinda had a deal with a witch and a vampire...(got up and smiled ) and besides it made me stronger too for the fight against my father!

Lee Rang:- ummm ya but...

Olivia:- (wrapping her hands around his neck) Don't overthink, we also have to get my sister's justice on Christmas also...(gave a peak of kiss on his lips) so sleep tight honey !
(And she went back in her room)

The tale of the nine tailed - Lee Rang Version/Kim Bum (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now