107 (Ups and Down)

269 14 6

Lee Rang just kept quiet this time and sat up holding on to yn on his laps, resting his head on her chest as he saw his mother disappearing into thin air....


They walked back to the hotel ,whole time lee rang was just silent. They reached the hotel while others were waiting for them and immediately stood up seeing them and were taken aback seeing lee rang badly injured.

Donna:- (concerned tone) Hey are you okay ?

Ashley:- I'll get the first aid kit

Bill :- Was that really your moth...(donna nudged him to stay quite)

Lee Rang:- (quietly looked at yn) I...am going back to the room

Y/N:- okay...

He walked back quietly as yn stood their

Y/N:- God his mom was awful, explains why he became the way he is !

Donna:- what happened to her ?

Ryan:- she is gone now, I tell you everything on the way ,by the way we can stay back !

Ashley:- (came running in with the medicine kit) Where is he ?

Yn:- (took the box) he went to his room ,you guys should leave , I'll stay with him and... I'm sorry Ashley I shouldn't have shouted ,I was just stressed and then...

Ashley:- Hey, I'm sorry too I should have analysed the situation !

Donna:- hug it out ,common !

They both hug eachother

Yn- I love you

Ashley:- I love you too, now go to your fiance ,he must be waiting

Y/N:- yup !

Yn immediately ran towards their room but as she entered, Lee Rang wasn't there ,again fear ran in

Y/N:- Shit , rang??? Rang ????

She desperately looked around and suddenly heard the shower running and immediately ran inside the washroom, lee rang was just sitting on the floor with his clothes on and cold shower running. Yn kept the box on the side and stepped in. She felt goosebumps as the water was extremely cold , she took goods name and just entered in completely , and sat down hugging him from the back.

Both just sat their quietly while yn's body started shivering

Lee Rang:- yn...

Y/N:- y...y...ya

Lee Rang:- am I really that bad of a son !

Yn- (scoffed) whattttt no ! Ask MY parents, they would totally adopt you ,you keep the room clean unlike me , you love all the food my mom and grandma cook ,while I'm such a fussy eater and you know all that geeky maniacal stuff like repairing AC ,just like my dad , I mean live at my place, all they do is talk about is you ! (Sneezes) and no offense but your mother was toxic and wrong , she is the one who didn't deserve an amazing son like you ,but who cares you have new mom now

Lee Rang:- hmm...

Y/N:- (snuggles in more while shivering badly and teeth chattering)Ss...see (sneezes again)

Suddenly it hits him and immediately pushed her away from the shower ,closing the tap

Lee Rang:- YN ! The water temperature was freezing cold , I'm half animal aka cold blooded you are not

Y/N:- (while body trembling) The cold never bothered me anyway  (sneezes 4 more times)

he ran up to get towel and made her sit on the bathroom sink table while undressing her

The tale of the nine tailed - Lee Rang Version/Kim Bum (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now