Chapter 103 (The night church)

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Lee Rang:- wanna hear a story ?

Y/N:- (smiled) always!


Lee Rang:- You know I used to live around this area for 50- 60 years back in 1887 when these stairs were getting newly build,
I used to see a young boy and a girl playing here , their parents were labourers who were building these stairs ,so after an year when the project got over and the stairs were getting inaugurated by the village minister, I saw these 2 kids crying behind the bush holding hands telling each other how sad they won't be able to play together anymore but the boy promised her even they'll grow up like these adults he'll come to meet her, at these stairs only and obviously I thought to myself....(scoffed) Idiots!

Y/N:- (nudged him) How mean !

Lee Rang:- What ! There was no technology at that time

Y/N:- Letters! Duhhh

Lee Rang:- They both didn't have any address or home and didn't go to school so didn't even know how to write , duhhh

Y/N:- (dramatically) Well one of them could wait for the other one at those stairs untill the day they would turn up !

Lee Rang:- (sighs and mumbles) Reminds me of my idiot brother!

Y/N:- What ?

Lee Rang:- well you are right, that's what she did ,for 15 year and.... he did turn up, they fell in love ! (Y/N jumps in joy) But fate is not fair , he soon had to leave for a war !

Y/N:- Aughhh I hate sad endings, please tell me he didn't die !

Lee Rang:- I'm not Netflix, you can't skip to the ending

Y/N:- Oh common ,it's my birthday

Lee Rang:- (totally ignoring her request) Sooo before they would part ways again the guy promised her that 6 months later they will walk up these stairs together and get married at the church which was on the top so as usual I was like.....grossed out , yuck how cheesy

Y/N:- 😶yet you were listening to all of their conversation

Lee Rang:- (scoffed) that's only because there was not much source of entertainment back at that time ,you can't even eat food without tv or ipad , just Imagine life without your phone or these gadgets

Y/N:- Depressing....

Lee Rang:- (scoffs) Exactly! Anyway for me it was just source entertainment untill 6 months later I went back to those stairs and saw it was all decorated but...the girl was standing their alone in a white gown ,just numb, for 2 day's straight without eating or sleeping she kept on sitting there until she fainted, I informed her parents, they tried convincing her to forget about him and move on but instead she started daily climbing those stairs and went to that church ,there was this determination and believe in her eyes. I felt kinda bad for her knowing she is being stupid waiting for something that won't ever happen , Months went by and then years but 1 day....4 years later I saw him !

Y/N:- (suprised tone) What !

Lee Rang:- Ya , he actually looked exactly the same I saw him 4 years ago , I couldn't believe my eye's and the fact that her prays actually worked!

The tale of the nine tailed - Lee Rang Version/Kim Bum (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now