Chapter 36 Part 1

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They went inside and he gently placed her on the sofa ,sitting next to her ,when suddenly he felt a supernatural presence in the house and he turned around but no one was there.....


J - Hi ma'am, so do you remember any incident from that day or doubt on anyone who could have done it?

Mrs. Ye :- No ,everyone loved them , both of our families even used to go on picnics together, I...(tear rolled down her eyes) I can't really believe something like this could happen to them!

J:- We are very sorry ma'am ! So did anyone else in your family saw anything apart from your daughter?

Mrs. Ye :- No ,my husband has been on a business trip for last 2 weeks and my elder son had his basketball practice at that time , I was in the basement, cleaning it up ,only my daughter saw it!

Y/N:- can we talk to her ?

Mrs. Ye :- sure ! (She got her daughter) Alright lily ,don't be afraid of them ,tell them everything you saw that day !

YN and J smiled at her daughter who was hiding behind her mom

Lily:- (in low tone) Fire monster!

Y/N:- (in polite tone) do you remember anything more about it?

Lily :- ya it walked around in circles but then it looked at me and ran away !

Lee Rang:- (scoffed) What ! He was afraid the little kid!

Y/N:- that is weird

Lee Rang again felt something weird

Lee Rang:- can we check the house?

Mrs. Ye :- ummm....okay

Y/N:- (wispers) why do you want to check the house ?

Lee Rang:- fox sen....I mean my 6 sense!

Y/N:- Okay !

They started walking inside their house and Lee Rang felt this strong energy coming out a room ,he entered there

Lee Rang:- that hell hound was here !

They all gasped

Y/N:- really?

Lee Rang:- yes !

J :- who's room is this ?

Mrs. Ye :- My son's and my daughter saw that fire figure from this room only !

J:- I think maybe he was searching here for your daughter then !

Mr. Ye :- (scared tone) What ! Is my daughter safe ? Can he attack us too ?

J:- (looking at Yn) ma'am...

Y/N:- umm...Actually we don't know much about this creature, what's his strength, what's his weakness are, all we know is that ,he's called a hell hound and a little bit about his history!

J:- Ma'am I think you and your family should move somewhere safe till we find more about this creature, I will appoint my 2 police officers for you and your family's safety!

Mrs. Ye :- Okay !

They all moved out

Y/N:- what now ?

J:- Oh we can ask Mr. Albert

Lee Rang:- who's that ?

J:- he has studied on alot of supernatural beings and even wrote books, I'll ask if he has any idea or anything written about a hell hound

The tale of the nine tailed - Lee Rang Version/Kim Bum (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now