CHAPTER 100: The End

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They ran that night. Gerard put guns in people's hands, but a lot less than they thought were actually willing to use them. More people know our secret now, but more of them are on our side. They weren't afraid of us anymore. Now we have allies who used to be enemies. We have protectors. We have friends willing to fight for us. The rest of us have been looking for others... Like you.

"'Kay, Alec... The people who are hunting you? They've got a leader." Scott said to a young werewolf named Alec.  "Her name is Monroe, and she's got a lot of followers.

"Like, what? Hundreds?" Alec asked

Scott looks at Alec with a serious expression "Thousands-- all over the world."

"So what are we doing here?"

"We're meeting up with some people who can help us. Some of them are always with us, others come when we need them. But, tonight... We need everyone we can get.

Alec is suddenly distracted by the arrival of the Jeep pulling up to them and watches as Stiles and Lydia get out of it to join them. Next is Derek, driving his Camaro, and Malia, in her Toyota with Liam, all three of whom get out to greet them as well. Malia makes eye contact with Scott and gives him an affectionate smile. Alec looks back at Scott with a questioning expression

"Are they all... different?"

Scott nods "Some of them are."

Scott looks back at Malia, who smirks playfully "Some can do things you'd never believe. And others might only be human but they make up for it by being really smart or really good in a fight."

"Who are they?" Alec asked

Scott smiles at Alec at the thought of the answer before turning to look at Derek, who has a small smile on his face "My friends. My pack. And you can be with us, if you want. But you're going to have to fight."

"Against Monroe?"

"And everyone that follows her."

Alec looks at Scott with fear in his eyes "She said she'd find me. That she'd hunt me down and kill me. She didn't care how old I was. She said I was a monster."

Scott looks at Alec affectionately, remembering a similar conversation he had with Liam before he speaks "You're not a monster. You're a Werewolf. Like me."

Scott's eyes glow bright Alpha red. And  turns to look at Liam, who smiles in response, before beckoning Alec to follow him. Scott walks over to the others to make his introduction, and Derek smiles with pride as well as he follows after him. Scott puts his arms around Derek and Stiles' shoulders, and Alec, now excited to meet everyone, quickly rushes over. Malia joins them, replacing Derek at Scott's side, and Liam is the first to approach Alec to talk to him as all seven of them walk into the proverbial sunset.

A lot has happened in recent times. Now, things are changing. The enemy was still out there but the supernatural of Beacon Hills isn't going down without a fight. Overtime, Peter taught Bella everything he knows about defending their territory and has made such progress. As time moved on, Bella finally embraced a lifestyle that she was happy with.

Things settled down and she finally had a home with her father for good and prayed that nothing would tear apart their family again. Bella was ready to embrace the rest of her teenage years and was prepared to return to public school while living a double life as a teenage werewolf.

One night, Bella was running her trail in the preserve. The sun was setting. By the time she reached the overlook, the sun was down and the full moon was lit. She huffed as she stood over the edge and allowed her eyes to glow gold.

Bella peered over Beacon Hills as if she were getting ready to defend the town with her life.

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