CHAPTER 80: Leaving Beacon Hills Behind

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Over the next few days, everything seems to be normal in Beacon Hills. But then again, nothing about Beacon Hills will ever be normal. Summer was upon them.

Bella wandered into the woods again, to walk her trail to the place that overlooked Beacon Hills. She loved going there. She gets so lost in thought when she admires the view. It takes her mind off things. She stayed still like that for a while before hearing someone walking up behind her. Bella recognized the scent so she did not panic.

It was Peter.

Since her near death experience, again, Peter remained close but at a safe distance this time.

He walked up and stood right beside her, placing a hand on her shoulder "You okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine." Bella sighed, not turning her eyes away from the view.

"Are you?" Peter said, not believing her.

Bella shrugged "I don't know"

"Wanna talk about it?"

"I don't know." Bella said as she started to walk away "I mean, what's there to even talk about?"

"How about the fact that you nearly died the other night?" Peter stated "That's bound to have some effect on you."

"God, why do you have to be such a pain in the ass? Dad, I nearly died like a hundred times since I was six years old! More so in recent years" Bella said as she turned back to look at Peter "Story of my life!"

"I know I'm a pain in the ass." Peter said "I mean, you are too. But you are my pain in the ass  daughter. You have been through hell and back. I can't even complain after everything you've been through. You are made of iron and I could not be more proud"

"Are you?" Bella questions "Are you proud of me? After everything I said and did, you should have no reason to be proud!"

"Of course I am proud!  Where are you getting this from?"

"I should've ran away a long time ago. But I stayed. I stayed despite all the lies and half truths. The way things keep happening to me, our so-called family! Everything was ripped apart from me. Us! You kept getting ripped apart  from me and yet, here we stand! I have been through hell and back for years!" Bella paused to take a breath.

"The fire, you being in a coma. Waking up from the coma. Derek murdering you and you coming back from the dead. Me finding out that I happen to be a werewolf after finding out I had my powers suppressed. I have dealt with werewolves, Kanimas, and dark druids. Kate Argent, Eichen House, Ghost Riders and my mother!"

"Now, sweetheart..."

"I told you that I hated you." Bella interrupted

Peter stopped in his tracks as the memory played back in his head.

"A part of me still does. Now how can you even be proud of that?" Bella looked down at her feet guiltily as tears fell from her eyes.

There was an awkward silence

"You're right." Peter says breaking the silence  "You have more than enough reason to hate me. I mean, I'd hate me too."

Bella rolled her eyes "Yeah, right."

"But you are my daughter and I still love you regardless."

"Malia hates you. You don't show her any love."

"I don't know her like I know you. That's a true fact" Peter says "But that does not mean that I don't care. You had so much to deal with and I should have been there more and for that, I am sorry."

Bella Hale:  Peter Hale's Daughter-A Teen Wolf FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now