CHAPTER 52: The Mute

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Bella laid on her bed that night. She was playing around on her phone. The last time she checked the time, it was 10:30 pm. It was now 12:30 am. Bella knew that Peter wasn't asleep. She could hear him pacing around in the apartment. How can Peter sleep after a night like this?

Bella eventually turned her phone off and drifted to sleep

Bella was being hunted. She ran through the hallways of the vacant, dark school. Bella turned a corner and ran right into her attacker. It was a man. Tall, bald and had no mouth. She growled and shifted quickly. Bella could tell that there was something different about the attacker. Instead of fighting him, she turned to run but was stopped by a stabbing pain in her back. Bella growled out in pain.

Bella woke up in cold sweat. Her whole body was shaking. She let out a low growl as she shook away the nightmare. Bella looked over and saw that it was after 5 in the morning. She tried to get up from her bed but she was still sore from the attack earlier. It took a lot out of her but to be hurting the next day, hours later, is something else entirely.

Bella's bedroom door opened. She turned to see Peter standing in the doorway.

"Nightmare?" Peter asked, already knowing the answer.

Bella silently nods

"Was it about me? About what I did?"

"No..." Bella said "About someone killing me."

Peter sighed as moved towards the bed and sat on the edge of it. Peter was getting anxious. "Listen kiddo, I know it's early but we need to talk."

"What about?" Bella groaned in annoyance

"I was up all night thinking about everything that happened." Peter let out a long sigh "That money was ours, Bells. Mine and yours. The money was our future. That money was supposed to get us out of Beacon Hills at some point, so that you would be safer. That money would have bought your college education. All of it would have secured both of our futures. It was to be your inheritance when you turned eighteen too. That was a lot of money, sweetheart. I know that none of that excuses just leaving you on the ground to mutter to myself, but when that money was taken, I felt like your future was taken and I lost sight of what's important. I still have you. I mean, I was just trying to do right by you..." Peter just let it all out.

Bella had never thought about her future. And after the events of this past year, she assumed that neither of them were ever going to leave Beacon Hills. Bella sat up and scooted over next to Peter. Her brows furrowed as her eyes darted back and forth from different objects around the room, not really looking at anything, just thinking about how she wanted to reply. Peter placed his hand on Bella's shoulder, making her eye dart to his. Bella blinked rapidly to make the words form in her mouth.

"That's...uh." Bella cleared her throat "You thought about the future? My future?"

"I have. I have thought about it since the moment you were born. More so recently. It's important for me to know that you will have an amazing life ahead of you. That way, no matter what happens, you can be prepared. You don't have to worry about money."

Bella's smile widened and she lifted his arm around her shoulder and tucked herself into him and looked up at Peter. Peter becomes surprised and stiffens when she puts her arms around him and pulls him close for a hug. When she rubs her cheek against his chest, scenting him, he relaxes and hugs her back.

Bella then pulled away "Did you tell me that so I could forget what you did?"

"That would have been a good plan." Peter smirked. "But no. I meant every word."

A week later, Derek and Peter talk to Braeden. Peter and Derek sat on the couch when Braeden sat across from them. Braedon kicked her boots on the table in front of them

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