CHAPTER 94: Looking Over the Edge

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Peter's heart stopped. He fell to his knees and crawled towards the edge. Peter looked down, his chest cold, dreading the time that he may have just lost her. But...Bella was holding on to a thick tree branch below.

Peter blinked and gasped. He laid down on the ground, his left hand grabbing the edge hard while he extended his right one. "Grab it!"

Bella lifted her head up to look at Peter. Desperation and fear shone in her eyes. She grunted  and growled as she tried to swipe at Peter with her claws but almost lost her grip on the tree doing so.

"Come on, sweetheart. Please, grab my hand." He leaned over, hanging halfway off the edge to try and reach her. "I promise you, it's gonna be okay."

Derek and Malia knelt down behind Peter to hold on to his legs, to prevent him from falling over.

"I won't let go, I promise!" Peter cried

Bella gritted her teeth. She was slipping. Pain and death seems familiar to her. When she looked back up into his eyes, she saw tears and despair in his eyes. There was something in his eyes that showed that she meant something to him.

Bella groaned as the words "I won't let you go." played in her head, as if it was familiar to her.

Bella gritted her teeth and stretched herself a bit more and then her hand was gripped by Peter's. And when it did, the branch she was holding on to snapped and she was now dangling from Peter's hand. His hand gripped hers like it would never let go.

As she swung from his arm, she smacked her head against the rock wall. She gasped at the sudden hit to her head. As Bella dangled limp from his arm, more images flashed through her head as she started to remember.

"Come on, sweetheart." Peter blinked back tears from his eyes, gritting his teeth as his muscles strained to pull the young wolf up. "Just a little bit more. Come on, Bella. Please."

When Bella snapped out of it, she gasped frightfully at the sight of being a hundred feet high. Peter began to gradually pull her up until Bella let go and was only suspended by Peter's hand. Bella gasped and whimpered, finding it hard to avoid looking down.

"Oh, god!" she cried

"Don't look down!"

Bella scowled up at Peter. She squinted her eyes as she began to recognize him.  Peter strained hard and began pulling her up again. Slowly but he was managing it.

"I'm not gonna let you go!" Peter grunted as he gave a good heave.

"I know you wouldn't." she quietly said to herself. How would she know how to say that?

Bella managed to grab the edge and with Dereks' help, they managed to pull Bella back up and found herself on safe ground again. She laid on her backside as her breathing accelerated, mouth open to drag big gulps of air.

Peter knelt over her and pulled the young girl in his arms "You scared me so bad. I thought I lost you."

He hugged the girl by her head, fitting his chin on her neck, inhaling deep. Peter nearly lost her again. He sighed and got up, pulling her with him. He then cupped her cheek with one hand, the other looking over where she got shot. The wound was fully healed.

"You're okay." Peter whispered gently.

Bella just looked right into Peter's eyes with confusion. She recognized him. She started to feel lightheaded when a huge wave of memories and flashes came running through her head.

"Who am I to you!?" she cried

Peter, who had tears in his eyes, looked at her in shock "Do you truly not recognize your own father?"

Father. He was her father? The word echoed in her head as images flashed in her head.

Bella moved away and leaned down against a tree as flashes appeared in her head, looking at Peter, Derek, Stiles and Malia with caution and curiosity. Peter rushed to her side with worry. She looked on ahead, looking at nothing as she watched the images play back in her head.

"Just know that, if there comes a day we can't be together, just keep me in your heart. It'll stay there. I want to make a promise to you. While I can't promise that things will change. I can't promise to be there for the rest of your life. But I will always love you for the rest of mine. After all that we've been through, what could happen in the future, there will always be something going on in our world where I would have to fight for us. But I promise you this; for as long as I am alive, I will always be there for you. I will always keep you safe until the day I die."

Bella gasped in surprise as she held back tears as she looked closely at those around her. Peter. Derek. Malia. Stiles. She knew them! How could she have forgotten them? God, she attacked them.

Peter looked back at her with worry as he watched her lean deeper against the tree with fear. "Bells?"

Bella looked right at Peter with such relief as she now recognized him  "Dad?"

Peter gasped. He takes her hand in his. "You know me?"

Bella smirked "Of course I do. Did you honestly think I'd forget my own dad?"

Peter chuckled slightly as they engulfed each other in their arms. He took a deep calming breath and squeezed Bella tightly, not wanting to let go. Peter felt his heart begin to beat faster, hope blooming in his chest.

"And she's back." Malia said sarcastically   

Bella began to sob in Peter's arms.

"Come on, pup. You know I don't like it when you cry." Peter whispered gently.

Bella nodded and pulled away. He smiled at her and wiped her tears away.

"What happened to me?" Bella sighed, looking at her hands.  She'd never thought that one day, she would come to hurt those she cared about. What happened to her? She had almost killed her own father and she didn't even know it was him. A tear slid down her face and she avoided everyone's gaze.

"I tried to kill you." Bella said in a whisper. "I didn't even recognize you."

"But you didn't kill me." Peter assured her "You eventually remembered."

"Yeah, all I needed was a good hit to the head to remember." Bella said sarcastically

Peter frowned when she said that. How many more head injuries must she get? "What made you remember?"

"It was just images, really." Bella admitted "Random sayings in my head. It wasn't until I was hanging from a cliff and hitting my head that I started to remember. Funny how things work."

"You were good at kicking ass." said Malia "Specifically my ass. But I sure didn't mind you beating the crap out of Peter"

Bella chuckled slightly.

"Behave." Peter glared at Malia

"Something's happened to me, dad," Bella sighed as she leaned against Peter. "I don't know what it is"

Peter and Derek exchanged looks. Peter was afraid. He's almost lost his daughter and now there is a chance that after all that's happened, she might be losing her power. He didn't know what to tell her. Peter highly doubts that she even knew about her newly golden eyes. No one could explain why she had steel blue eyes like he did when Bella never took an innocent. Something happened to the wolf in her after getting shot in the head with a wolfsbane bullet. While Bella is still technically not an Omega. She's not a beta either. Something inside of her changed. But with her Golden eyes, it could mean one or the other; she's losing her power or she's become an official omega without an Alpha.

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