CHAPTER 14: Transformative

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Several days had passed since Derek became the Alpha. Days since Bella watched her father die right before her eyes. After that unfortunate night, she hid at the loft and just stayed there all day, mostly lying in bed, crying herself to sleep over and over. But when she does sleep, her nightmares resurface. Only this time, the dream consists of Derek killing Peter.

After four days, she receives a text from Stiles who was not only checking in on her but warning her that Derek made a new beta.

The news blew up Bella's cell phone. A girl named Lydia, disappeared from the hospital but was found the night before. In other news, the media was all over town covering Kate Argent's crimes and funeral. Bella threw her phone down in frustration and continued to ;lay in her bed, grieving. She only ever gets up to go to the bathroom, eat or shower.

At some point, someone knocked on the door to the loft. Bella went downstairs to find a package that was left. She stopped as she caught Peter's name on the shipping address, the return being from Macy's.

The hell?, Bella muttered

She went back inside and opened the package. She froze completely once she caught sight of what was inside. It was a leather jacket. Not just any leather jacket, the one she caught her eye on at Macy's when she went to the store with Peter the week before. She checked and it was her size, the exact same one.

"Did dad buy this for me?" she wondered

She held the jacket up as she clutched it close to her chest and began to burst into tears as she curled up on the couch.

Another week had passed. Bella was caught off guard by Derek showing up unexpectedly at the loft while she still slept. He had made noises in the kitchen which prompted her to go downstairs.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Bella shouted at Derek

"Restocking your fridge. How else are you going to stock up?"

"I don't need any help from you."

'Sure you don't. You are twelve years old and your only career is school. You don't have money so therefore, I am your only source of income. Anything you need to get, I'll get it"

This stumped Bella "Fine. Anything else?"

Derek crossed his arms "How are you?"

"Seriously? 'How are you?' That's all you have to say to me?"

"I did what I had to do" Derek said impatiently

"You murdered my dad!"

"He killed people!"

"I don't care! You couldn't have just left it alone? We were leaving town for a fresh start. You ruined everything!"

"Peter never would have changed for you. He lied about what really happened to Laura! He killed her on purpose. It was no accident."

"So what? That makes it okay for you to kill the only real family I had left?"

"You forget that I am your family too."

"No!" Bella snapped "You're not! We stopped being family the moment you killed my dad! I hate you so much that I wish you were dead!"

Derek sighed "Well, I'm sorry you feel that way. Whether you like it or not, I'm the Alpha now"

Bella nodded "No you're not sorry. Do you want a family? Go make something out of it with your new betas. Keep me out of it"

Before Bella went back upstairs, she turned towards Derek and said "You may be the Alpha now. But you are not my Alpha." then stomped back upstairs.

By that weekend, Bella got a text from Scott saying that she needed her help to stop Derek from making any more teenage betas.

"Why would I help you?" Bella asked

"You know you don't want him to do this to anyone." Scott replied

"He won't listen to me. He's too stubborn."

"Just try, at least? I'm trying to do the right thing here."

Scott was able to convince Bella and picked her up at the loft. They drove to the ice rink, where Derek's next beta target was. The plan was set until Bella was hit in the back of the head and swallowed into darkness yet again.

Bella was woken up to someone shaking her. SHe opened her eyes and saw Derek and his pack standing over her.

"WHat the hell?" Bella sked groggily

"Time to talk to Scott." Derek said before walking out with his betas. "That really hurts, Scott. I mean, if you're going to review me, at least take a consensus. Erica, how's life been for you since we met?"

Derek's eyes turned to the blonde hair girl next to him

"In a word, transformative." Erica said before releasing a growl.

"Isaac?" Derek prompted

"Well, I am a little bummed about being a fugitive, but other than that I'm great." the boy named Isaac stated

"This isn't exactly a fair fight" Scott said

"Then go home, Scott. Take my cousin with you. You never should've brought her into this."

"I meant fair for them" Scott growled as he punched the ice. Isaac and Erica fought Scott and lost. "Don't you get it? He isn't doing it for you! He's just adding to his power! It's all about him. He makes you feel like he's giving you some kind of gift when all he's done is turn you into a bunch of guard dogs!"

"It's true. It's all about power" Derek said before attacking Scott.

"Derek! Stop!" Bella cried. Isaac grabbed ahold of her as she watched the fight. She continued to struggle in Isaac's hold. She watched as Derek pressed his foot onto Scott's chest, blocking his airways.

That's when Bella lost it.

When she yelled, it sounded like a growl came out of her and she got out of Isaac's grip. Erica, thinking that Bella was gonna shift, slashed her claw up across Bella's face, leaving a rather large cut over and below her left eye. Bella screamed in agony as a large pool of blood poured from her face.

"What did you do?!" Derek growled at Erica as he rushed to Bella's side. 

Bella was clutching her face with her hands and managed to push Derek aside with one of them before standing up. Derek tried to stop her from moving but was agitated by what Erica said next.

"She's a wolf ain't she? She'll heal."

"She will not heal" Derek growled "She's not one of us. She's human!"

"What did you do?" Isaac freaked out at Erica, who was now more scared than anything

"I didn't know!"

Derek turned around to find Bella already gone with quite the blood trail trailing behind her.

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