CHAPTER 43: Barrow

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It was the day before Halloween and it has been two weeks since Bella had heard from Peter. She was frantic with worry.  All day and night, she's anxious for news that never comes. Bella had become pretty moody at that point.

Bella was standing at her locker in between class the next morning when news broke that a serial killer by the name of Barrow had escaped from the hospital where he was to have a major surgery. For safety, students had to return home and be in lockdown until he was caught. She was walking her way back to the McCall house when she was suddenly hit from behind

Later that day, without anyone's knowledge, Derek and Peter had returned to the loft. Derek was stitching up Peter's right ring finger back to his hand, which had been cut off when they were captured and tortured by the Calaveras. Peter winced in pain

"Don't you have any anesthetic?" Peter asked

"Yup." Derek replied sarcastically

"Well, are you going to tell me what I risked life and digit for?" Peter asked

"I'm gonna show you." Derek said after stitching Peter's finger back on

Dereek took the box they found and dumped out the contents inside. They were claw nails. Peter took one and observed it.

"After the fire, that's all that was left of her," Derek said

"Talia." said Peter, realizing who's claw he was holding,  "I can't decide if that's touching or morbid. I guess the real question is, what are you planning on doing with them?"

"I have to ask her something." Derek replied "And from what I've heard, this is the only way it's possible."

Derek then placed the box in front of Peter. Peter looked at his hand and realized what Derek was asking him to do "You've got to be kidding me."

"Why do you think I swed your finger back on?" Derek said with a smile as he picked up the claws and put them back in the box

"You know, there's always an element of danger to rituals like this." said Peter "I'm not particularly fond of them. Unless they somehow benefit me."

Derek scoffed "What do you want?"

"I want to keep them." Peter tells Derek "Sentimental value. She was your mother but she was also my sister."

Derek scrunches his face, not believing Peter

"What? Am I not allowed a little bit of sentiment?"

Derek puts the last claw back in the box and places the box in front of Peter again. Peter was hesitating to put his hand in.

Derek nods impatiently as he went over to force Peter's hand in the box to dig Talia's claws into his fingers "Too long"

"No, wait!" Peter said before groaning in pain. His eyes then shift to the cold steel blue

Peter stood up as he observed the claws inside his now bloodied and swollen fingers "It's not exactly my color. This is going to be excruciating painful." Peter tells Derek who was sitting in a chair."

"Just do it." Derek tells him

"Oh, I'm going to. I just wanted you to know we all have our petty revenges." Peter said as he dug the claws into the back of Derek's neck

WIthing minutes, Derek was in and out of the trance

"Did you see her?" Peter asked, "What did you ask her? Did she say anything about me? About Bella?"

Derek gave Peter quite the look

"Well, that doesn't look good." said Peter

Scott and the pack regrouped after Barrow had kidnapped Kira, the new girl at their school.

Bella Hale:  Peter Hale's Daughter-A Teen Wolf FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now