Chapter 51: The She Wolf

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A few days later, Peter and Bella were back in Beacon Hills. They were currently staying at the loft while Scott and his pack were still working to find Derek. Bella was starting to worry about Derek.

Bella was in her old room. She couldn't concentrate on the textbook she was reading as she had been reading the same page over and over. She slammed her book and made her way downstairs

"Dad?" Bella called as she walked down the spiral staircase.

"Yeah?" Peter replied as he looked up from his book. He was sitting on the couch reading his own book.

"Can I ask you something?"

"You can always ask me anything, kiddo." Peter said, as he had told her many times before.

"Will you tell me again about when you and Derek were kidnapped by the Calaveras?" Bella asked as she sat down next to Peter. She held his gaze. She knew that Peter could read her worried expressions.

"Is this about Derek?" he asked

"He's still missing. Scott and his pack are leaving for Mexico tomorrow to try and find him."

"How do you know that?"

"They send me regular updates on the search." Bella told him

Peter let out a soft sigh before taking his book and paving it on the coffee table. "Well, as you know Araya and her minions captured us. They chained us to a metal fence. We were tortured badly, burned and beaton. I even had one of my fingers cut off. Araya kept asking us about a 'She Wolf' but neither Derek or I knew who or what she was talking about. Still don't. I think that Derek couldn't let it go. He never told me. But, I suspected that he was researching, trying to find any answers he could. If I had to guess, I would say that Derek was out looking for who or what this 'She Wolf' is."

"If Derek had left on his own, why wouldn't someone have heard from him?" Bella asked

"Because Derek is a Hale." Peter answered

"Still doesn't explain the mess that was left in the loft."

"I'm sure when Derek is found, he will explain it all."

Almost 48 hours had passed. Bella was up in her room, stretched out on her old bed, reading through  all her old family text books when the sound of the loft sliding door opening was heard.

Bella perked her head up when the sound of a girl spoke "What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing." a male voice said. It was Scott

"Your heart is beating like crazy. Are you nervous?" the girl asked

"He's just bad at introductions." Peter acknowledged 

"Peter..." said Scott "This is Malia."

Bella closed the book and began to make her way downstairs

"Beautiful eyes." Peter said "Did you get them from your father?"

"Mother, actually." Malia replied

"Interesting." Peter said as everyone turned to see Bella marching down the stairs.

Peter suddenly relaxed

"Anyways, I'm sure they told you a lot about me?" Peter asked Malia

"The homicidal killing spree came up. Oh, and also your daughter." Malia shot back

"Well, we're all a work in progress." Peter said, wrapping his arm around Bella. "And of course, Bella wasn't even a part of that."

"Hi." Bella greeted

Bella Hale:  Peter Hale's Daughter-A Teen Wolf FanFictionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon