CHAPTER 55: 2 Million

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When Bella returned home after Derek instructed her to after finding Braeden near death, she found the apartment empty.

"Dad, are you here?" Bella called out

Peter wasn't home.

Bella then threw her book bag down and plopped down on the couch in exhaustion. She then leaned over for the TV remote and put on a Friends marathon until she fell asleep watching it.

It was nearly midnight when Peter returned back to the apartment. The place was dark. The light from the TV screen lit up the apartment and the audio was fairly low. Peter looked up and saw Bella asleep on the couch.

Peter carefully turned on the lights. Bella didn't stir from her deep slumber on the couch. He went to the hall closet and got a spare blanket before returning to the living room, placing it over Bella, being careful not to wake her. Peter gently glides his fingers through her hair and kisses the top of her forehead.

Peter couldn't help but stare at her. Peter began to ponder the thought of what would happen if news of his so-called allegiance with Kate would break out. How would Bella even react? Peter couldn't stop thinking about it. It didn't matter what happened to him as long as Bella was safe.

Peter eventually made his way to his room and settled in for the night. He later woke at 3 AM to someone knocking softly on his bedroom door. Normally someone would knock hard so early, to wake up whoever was in there. The only reason for someone to knock like that was if they knew a werewolf would hear it. He put on some pants over his boxers, forgoing a shirt, and went to answer the door to find his daughter standing before him.

"Bella?" Peter was surprised. Even more surprised to smell tears and fear all over the young girl. He stepped back and reached out to take the girl's shoulder to pull her into a hug,

"What's wrong?" He kept his voice low but serious.

If Peter had to guess, he would say Bella had had a nightmare. "Was it that bad?"

"Worst one so far." Bella said

"I can understand that. I have a few myself from time to time." Peter admitted

"Time to time? I would think, with what we both went through, you had them every night."

'"It used to be that way, for a long time." Peter admitted. He knew the key to helping Bella with her problems was to share a few of his own, "But I haven't had one in several weeks."

They sat in silence until Peter spoke "What was it about, honey? Why was this one so different?"

Bella sighed, "Well, it was....I don't....."

Bella began to trail off.

Peter sat up straight and moved a bit closer "Bells, what did you see?"

He really needed to hear what could have made the girl so upset. And Bella needed to say it. It wasn't just something stupid that parents told their kids, it really did help to talk about your dreams.

"Was it another vision?" Peter eventually asked

Bella shrugged as she closed her eyes and said in a shaky voice, "I don't know for sure. It was blurry. It was dark. It looked like I was in a tomb or something. I was on the ground, in the middle of the room. And there was someone there, hiding in the shadows. I think it was a woman with two large looking guys. I think it was Kate and the Berserkers. She was laughing.

Tears started to leak out of her closed eyes. She sobbed slightly but forced the words out, "Shetold me how useless I was, how weak and stupid. That I couldn't even protect myself. And then there was a large claw, and they...they..."

Bella Hale:  Peter Hale's Daughter-A Teen Wolf FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now