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It's been almost two weeks since the Argents seemingly welcomed Bella into their home. Bella wanted to be angry at the Argents for what Kate did to her family. Them being hunters. But she couldn't bring herself to do anything about it. Bella still didn't trust them fully, neither did they.

"Know thy enemy" is something that Gerard said that stuck with Bella.

For several days, she's been practicing the art of fighting with Gerard and Allison. Allison had also begun to teach Bella about bow and arrows. Bella has gotten along well with Allison, all things considered. They should be enemies but they aren't.

Bella is now aware that Allison dated Scott McCall and was forced to break up with him due to him being a werewolf. Allison had revealed to Bella that she is still secretly with Scott and was working with her friends. That didn't surprise Bella. She did not hate Scott and did not consider him an enemy. Not yet at least.

It was revealed the other night that the Kanima is a teenage boy named Jackson. While Allison was out with her friends solving mysteries, a redhead girl stopped by looking for Allison. Lydia was shocked to find Bella answer the door.

"Oh!" she gasped "Hello."

Bella nods "Hello."

Bella could notice Lydia staring right at her face, where her injury was. "Can I help you?"

"Is Allison here?" Lydia asked


"That's okay. I'll just wait upstairs for her." Lydia said as she entered the house

"I'm sorry but who are you?"

"Forgive me. I'm Lydia. Allison's BFF. And you are?"

Bella knew exactly who Lydia was and thought for a moment before coming up with a cover. She gritted through her teeth as she said "Bella Argent."

"Oh, you're related to Allison?"


"Interesting." Lydia said as she made her way upstairs.

Bella hated to lie but she had no choice in the matter. From the look of things, Lydia didn't seem to know who Bella was exactly, which is good news for now. Argent. She hated giving herself the name of her enemies as a cover. She wondered what her father would say.

He'd probably crawl out of his grave for this, she thought

An hour later, Allison returned home. Bella heard the front door open and went to meet Allison, who had already reached her room. Allison was startled by Lydia's sudden presence.

"You scared the hell out of me." Allison says.

"I've been sitting here an hour waiting for you. Your cousin let me in." Lydia replied

Bella entered the room and announced "Oh, by the way, your friend is here.".

"I can see that." Allison said "We can't hang out right now, Lydia."

"I don;t need anyone to hang out with. I need someone to talk to."

"I understand that it's important but if it can just wait."

"Why is everyone telling me to wait? Why can't anyone have right now available?"

"You can't have everything right now." Allison states "You know what I need. I need someone to translate five pages of archaic latin. Obviously that's not gonna happen anytime soon. "

"I know archaic latin" Lydia points out as she folds her arms

"You know archaic latin?"

"I got bored with classic latin."

"Just how smart are you?" Allison asked

"Just show me the pages."

At first, Lydia was really confused and asked where Allison got this.

"Oh, Bella here is part of an online gaming community that battles mythical creatures."

"I'm obsessed. But I can't bring myself to translate foreign languages. Are you sure that's what it says?" Bella clarify

"Yes." Lydia replies

"Ms. Morrell said that the word means friend. The Kanima seeks a friend." Allison points out

"She was wrong. It means master." Lydia replies

"The Kanima seeks a master." Allison reiterated

"Why, is that important?" Lydia asked


Bella and Allison looked at each other with concern while looking at the computer with a horrified expression. "Someone's not protecting him, Someone's controlling him."

Who is the master of the Kanima?

Lydia leaves and Allison had to call her friends to inform them of this new info. Bella listened in on the conversation

"If Jackson doesn't know what he's doing, then he probably doesn't know that someone is controlling him" Allison said

"Or doesn't remember" said Scott

"What if the same thing that happened to Lydia when she took off in the hospital?" Stiles comments

"A fugue state" said Allison

"He'd have to forget everything. The murder." Scott says

"Getting rid of the blood" said Allison

"But he had help with one thing though. The video. Maybe someone else helped him forget that" Stiles suggests

"Whoever's controlling him." said Scott

"Are you sure that Jackson has no clue about any of this?" Allison questions

"He thinks he's still becoming a werewolf and that being with Lydia somehow delayed the whole thing." Stiles explained

"How do we convince him that he's not?" Allison asked

"If it helps us find out who is controlling him, then yeah." Scott replies

"Do you think he will talk to us after what we did?" Allison asked

"Yeah, it's us. He'll talk to us right?" Stiles said before they ended the call

"What did you do to this Jackson kid?" Bella asked

"Oh, Scott and Stiles kidnapped him and locked him in a police van." Allison explained

Bella laughed "That didn't work out well, did it?"

Allison and Bella continued to read the notes that Lydia translated

"So, the Kanima is a weapon of vengeance?" Bella asked

"Looks like it. It says here that there was a South American priest who uses the Kanima to execute murderers in his village."

"You said that Derek bit Jackson?" Bella asked

Allison nods

"Then why didn't Jackson turn into a werewolf. Why the Kanima? Other than taking the shape of what he represents."

"Ain't that the million dollar question."

Bella sighed "Know thy enemy. And yet we barely know anything about him"

Bella Hale:  Peter Hale's Daughter-A Teen Wolf FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now