CHAPTER 42: Alpha Roar

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After school the next day, Bella got a text from Scott asking her to meet him at Deaton's. Bella met Scott, Stiles and Isaac at Deaton's clinic. Apparently the coyote made its way inside the high school.

"Why would it do that?" Bella asked

"It was looking for something that Stiles took." Scott explained "He took the doll from the car."

"Oh Stiles." Bella shook her head in amusement

"What? I thought it could help."

Deaton started to talk about the tranquilizers that he had on him for horses. "For a werecoyote, expect it to work in seconds."

When Deaton mentioned werecoyote and all the sudden, Bella couldn't breathe. She was having a panic attack. She ran out of the clinic and fell against the brick wall outside.

Scott ran after her. He found her against the wall breathing so shallowly that Scott was worried that she might pass out. Scott kneeled down next to her. "Hey, Bella. Look at me."

Bella looked up at Scott with tears running down her cheeks. She couldn't catch her breath. Scott took her hands "Try and take deep breaths."

She tried as hard as she could but could not do it. "I...Can't...Scott."

Scott didn't know what to do but then he remembered what his mom said to him last night. "Hey, you need to find your anchor, alright? Find that anchor and focus on it."

Bella tried to focus on her anchor. All she could think about was being a family with Peter. She held onto that thought, every happy memory that she had with her dad. Bella was then able to regulate her breathing. It had worked

"Thanks." Bella said, wiping the tears from her cheeks

"Please tell me what's going on?" Scott asked "I know you've been struggling so much. I can hear you have nightmares every night."

"Scott, I've been having dreams about werecoyotes." Bella tells him "Not just last night but for a while before that. The last couple of months. In every dream, they attack me and no one is around toi save me. Not my dad, Derek or you. So when Deaton said that there is one out there, I panicked. My dreams are so bizarre, it's like I am dreaming of things before they even happened ."

"I'm not going to let anything happen to you Bella. I know Peter won't either. This werecoyote, it's just a scared girl. We can turn her back."

The two of them went back inside the clinic. Everyone was waiting for them to return.

"Are you okay, Bella?" Stiles asked

"I'm fine now."

The group continued to converse about the werecoyote

"How do we turn a werecoyote back into a girl when she hasn't been a girl in eight years?!" Isaac asked

"I can do it." said Scott

"You can?" Stiles asked

"You remember the night Peter trapped us in the school? He was able to turn me with just his voice. Deucalion did the same thing in the distillery." Scott explained

'This is a werecoyote Scott. Who knows if it'll even work if you can find someone who can teach you." Deaton said

"That's why you texted Derek." Stiles realized

"And my dad." Bella included

"I can try it on my own." Scott replied "But right now, I'm too scared to change into just a werewolf. "

"We need a real Alpha," said Stiles. Scott stared at him "You know what I mean. An alpha that can do Alpha things."

"I'm an alpha with performance issues" Scott replied

"Is there anyone besides Derek who could help?" Deaton asked

"I wouldn't want to trust Peter." Isaac said

"Doesn't matter," said Bella. "My dad isn't answering, not even me."

"Maybe the twins?" Stiles suggested

"They're not alphas anymore. After what Jennifer did, almost killing them, it broke that part of them." Deaton explained

"But what if they know how to do it?" Stiles asked

"Nobody has seen them for weeks." said Scott

"Actually, that's not totally true." Stiles admitted

Scott, Stiles, Isaac and Bella met Lydia and went to the loft.

"They said they'd meet us here." said Lydia

Suddenly the twins came out of nowhere and attacked Scott. The twins were beating him up to teach him how to give in and take control. They explained that's how you learn to roar.

"You're afraid to turn. We kick your ass and you turn, then you kick our asses and then you roar!" Aiden explained

The fight went on. It was hard to watch as the others stood on the sideline, watching and hoping that Scott could overcome. Stiles held on to Bella as it was unbearable to watch.

Stiles, Scott, Bella, Lydia  and Isaac then met Allison in the woods. Bella was terrified. She did not want to be there. A gunshot was then heard and Scott took off.

The rest tried to make sense out of why Mr. Tate was so obsessed with the doll. Stiles and Isaac looked at a picture of the doll and something clicked for Stiles.

"I know what she's doing. I know where she's going."

Stiles calls Scott and explained to him that she was taking the doll back to the car wreck.

"Stiles!" Lydia said with her voice shaking. She had stepped in a bear trap. The instructions were on the treap and Stiles' couldn't read them. Bella told Stiles so she could read the instructions but the instructions weren't userful. They were too worn off. Lydia tells Stiles he could figure it out. He's always the one that figures it out.. Stiles tells Bella to turn the knob as he caught Lydia out of the trap.

Suddenly, a roar from Scott was heard.

"Oh thank god." sighed Bella as everyone took a breath of relief.

Stiles and Bella went with the sheriff to return Malia to her father.

Bella and Scott returned to the McCall house. Bella laid on the guest bed, staring at her phone. She had still not heard anything from Peter. She was now more worried than upset and pissed off.

Somewhere far away, Derek and Peter were in a dark house. Braeden was with them. She had rescued the two of them after they were taken by the Calveras. Derek comes upon a chest  that was protected and made from a Rowan tree.

"Mountain ash wood." said Peter

Braeden then kicked the lock apart and opened the chest.

"And that would be just mountain ash." said Peter, seeing the chest filled with it "Somebody really doesn't want our hands in there."

Derek and Peter then looked to Braeden. SHe sighs before putting her hand in the mountain ash chest . Braeden pulled out a small jar with the Hale symbol engraved on the top.

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