CHAPTER 21: I Will Not Lose Her!

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The next few days, Belle isolated herself. She worked and trained harder so that she could not fail her task again. She failed to kill Derek only because the Kanima knocked her down. She can't let it happen again.

One night, Allison told Bella that they were going out to look for Derek and asked if she wanted to join,

"Hell, yes." said Bella

She, Allison and Chris took off into the woods on four wheelers. Allison had her own wheeler while Bella rode on the back of Chris'. Bella had her crossbow strapped to her back along with the arrows. Allison was currently playing a recording of wolves howling.

"Play it again!" Chris calls out to Allison.

She hits it and they take off again until they eventually spot Erica and Boyd running fast. The hunters follow, gaining fast.

Bella taps on Chris' shoulder and points "That's her! That's the one that messed up my face! She's mine!"

Everyone stops their four wheelers and Allison jumps off with a dangerous look on her face. Bella was determined. She ripped off her helmet and went after Erica while Allison followed.

Bella drew her bow and aimed mercilessly towards Erica. She fired the bow and hits Erica in the leg. She lets out a scream.

Bella took off ahead, with Allison behind her.

"Allison, wait!" Chris called after Allison.

Bella stopped a few feet from Erica. She is lying on the ground with the arrow in her leg. Boyd is nowhere to be seen. Erica pulls out the arrow, glaring at Bella.

"You!" Erica growled

"Me." Bella said proudly. "You didn't think I was gonna let you get away with what you did to my face."

"I didn't know!" Erica cried

"Didn't know what, exactly? That I was human? Your sense of smell didn't pick up the difference? You should have known. You could have killed me Erica. In fact, I almost died that night because of you. If you hadn't I would not have made new friends"

Bella was ready to shoot Erica again. She shoots another arrow when Boyd appears and catches the arrow. His eyes were glowing. He launched himself at Bella when Allison came and shot an arrow, landing into his stomach. Then again in the shoulder and again in the chest and leg.

Erica was screaming at Allison, telling her to stop. Bella stepped back and was prepared to shoot Erica again. Allison was about to fire another shot when a gunshot sound was followed by Allison's bow breaking. Chris had shot the bow out of her hand. She drops it and Bella lowers her weapon.

Bella looks at Boyd who drops to the ground. She showed no guilt once so ever.

Chris walks over to them

"You owe me a new bow" Allison said

"You owe me an explanation." Chris retorts

Allison scoffed "For what? I caught them, me."

"Hey! I helped!" Bella argued

"Caught, came very close to kill. That's not the way we do this."

"Maybe it's not the way you do it. I think my way worked out pretty well" Allison said as she took out her phone and dialed it.

Bella scoffed

"Allison..." Chris is cut off when ALlison holds up her hand and starts talking to Gerard.

"Hey grandpa, it's me. We have our two runaways, Call us back." Allison turns back and sees Chris glare at her. "What?"

"It's just the first time I've heard you call him that." Chris said

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