CHAPTER 81: Pack Negotiations

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Several months had passed since Peter and Bella left Beacon Hills.Things were going just fine. So far, Peter had held up his end of the deal.

Peter and Bella sit together over the table, engaging in what Peter had referred to as 'Pack Negotiations'. A contract of sorts between the two of them. After all, they were the only ones in their own pack. And it was a way to keep his promises.

Bella is growing increasingly curious. In the past half an hour she'd learned a lot about werewolves and the supernatural community as a whole. With this contract, she had hoped that Peter would never back out on his word again.

Peter had answered all of her questions with the patience of a saint and an exasperated sigh. He'd even offered to lend her a few books on the subject.

Bella leans back in her seat and pulls a frown. It's identical to the one that Peter pulls when he can't solve a problem.

"There are roles in a normal pack, right? Like a job for each person."

"Usually, yes, but our pack is small enough that such a thing isn't necessary. If you feel as if you need more or less responsibility, that can be arranged." Peter types that up. "I don't want you to be under so much pressure."

"What kind of responsibility?"

"Emissary duties, politics, the...removal of threats."

"I don't know anything about politics," Bella admits, looking sheepish.

"There will be time to learn if that's something you're interested in. Another thing I wanted to bring up was self defense."

"I can defend myself."

"Of that I have no doubt. But if you kill something or you think it might bleed out from the injuries you gave it, you call me, okay?"

"For body disposal? Dad, I haven't killed like you have"

"And my piece of mind. I'd rather not find out when you wake up screaming."

Bella cringes.

So Peter had noticed the pattern too as her nightmares got worse. She started to get nightmares again after the Ghost Riders event. Things had remained stable for now.

"What about the McCall pack?" Bella questioned, avoiding the topic of killing.

"What about them?"

"Won't it be hard to have two packs operating in the same area? If we head back that way, anyways"

"Yes, most likely, although Scott and his friends hardly count as a pack. We will be discreet, any missions we carry out will be swift and without theatrics—" Bella snorts "—while the true alpha thinks all is well."

"A shadow pack."

"Precisely." Peter leans forwards to type this up, fingers flying over the keys. Ordinarily, he would have brought up chores and such ways for Bella to pull her own weight, but she was already insecure about freeloading. She'd said as much on more than one occasion. Peter had no desire to exacerbate that.

Bella looks vaguely surprised. "That's it?"

"Is there anything else you'd like to discuss?"

"No, but- where are the boundaries?"

"I'm not sure I follow."

"If I'm part of your pack, you have superiority over me. You have some control over me. How far does that go? Are there things I have to do? Things you make me do?"

Peter is stumped for a second. And then he's slightly offended that Bella thinks he'd do anything of the sort. "Bells, you're my pup. I wouldn't make you do anything you weren't comfortable with. When it comes to ranking, I'm an omega now. You know this. You are the same as well. But as your father, I'm higher up. It's like this; I'm the alpha. You are the beta. Sort of. Violating you like that, controlling you, is off the table, it's not even a last resort. I wouldn't force you to do anything you didn't want to do."

Bella looks guilty. "I'm sorry. I know you wouldn't-"

"Are you apologizing for being traumatized?"

"No-" Bella cuts herself off and then in a quieter tone, says, "yes."

"We've discussed this, pup. There's no need for such behavior." Peter leans forwards to add something else to the document. He turns the laptop so that Bella can see what's written.

'Peter Hale does not have permission to manipulate, control, or otherwise violate the mental boundaries of Bella Hale This includes the removal of memories without consent, mind control, etc.'

Bella smiles, a real, slightly crooked smile that she definitely inherited from Peter. "Thank you."

"Not at all. Now is there anything else you'd like to discuss? The truth, please."

"No. That's it." There's no stutter in her heartbeat, so Peter accepts it as the truth.


The document is printed and signed with the promise that if Bella decided another clause was needed, it could be added. The document would then be reprinted and signed.

The bond was formed mainly by intent. The two of them wanted to form a pack bond despite their wolf statuses. Bella didn't pretend to understand. She didn't particularly care, if she was honest. She wanted this.

The bond between them is new, reinforced by their old distant one, strengthened by their relationship, and yet completely different.

Bella grins like a kid in a candy store. To her it's exciting and breathtaking and the first real wolf-like bond she's ever had. Over time, she feels stronger and faster and virtually invincible. She could get high off of this adrenaline rush.

Peter doesn't know what to feel. He's overcome by memories of his old pack-mates, the power of his daughter beside him, and the stupid smile on Bella's face. There's a small voice in the back of his head, urging him to do something terrible, but he doesn't listen, doesn't give in.

After a long moment, the high wears off. It settles into both of them, steady and reassuring.

"Wow," Bella breathes. "So, this is a done deal."

"Yeah," is Peter's response. He can't really say anything else

"What now?"

Peter shrugged

"Can we have dinner?"

Peter rolls his eyes, "What do you want?"

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