CHAPTER 41: The Werecoyote

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A few days later, Scott came into the guestroom to check on Bella. She's been at his house for four days days and already, she's struggling. Her nightmares and constant worries continue.

Scott and Stiles were already struggling with the after effects of being temporary sacrifices for their parents at the Nemeton, thanks to Jennifer Blake. Stiles was struggling the most as he was daydreaming or sleeping while looking awake. Stiles was suffering from nightmares so much that he doesn't know what's reality or not.

Scott and Stiles decided to meet with Deaton after school. Deaton told them that when they went under the water, it opened a door in their minds and they needed to figure out how to close that door.

Outside the clinic, the boys were met by the Sheriff. The sheriff had asked Scott and Stiles for his help on a cold case. Sheriff Noah Stilinki was going through old caswer files that may have been within the supernatural. Noah was focused on a particular case about a car crash that occurred on the night of a full moon where a Mother and her daughters were in.

The mother and one of those daughters were slashed and bitten. Noah believed that it could have been a werewolf attack. The nine year old daughter went missing from the vehicle and was never found. Noah wanted Scott to try and catch the girl, Malia's scent.

Bella was at Scott's house doing her homework for school. Scott was with Stiles and Melissa was still at work. She had weeks of catching up to do since she missed several weeks of school. Bella picked up her phone and found that she had no new messages. Peter had promised that he would update her with a call or a text but nothing ever came of it.

Suddenly, someone knocks on the front door. Even though she was a guest in the McCall house and no one else was home, she answered the front door. There stood a man in a suit. Tall, slim and dark haired.

"Can I help you?" Bella asked politely

"Oh." said the man. "I'm here for Scott. He asked me to meet him here."

"Scott's not here. But I'll tell him you stopped by."

The man looked at her confused, "Who are you?"

"Who are you?" Bella asked sarcastically

"I'm Scott's father." the man said "Rafael McCall."

"I didn't know he had a father." she replied in a sarcastic tone.

"He's never been much of one." Scott said coming up from behind Rafael. "I need to talk to you."

"Of course."

Scott and Rafael went inside and they started arguing. Bella stayed out on the front porch to avoid the confrontation. Melissa came back home and saw Bella on the porch, covering her ears as her wolf senses are not quite used to loud sounds

"Hey, what's going on?" Melissa asked worriedly

That's when Melissa heard what was going on inside her house and walked through the door.

"That doesn't make any sense, dad. Who are you helping?" Scott yelled 'Just get out!"


"What? I can't believe that you would do this to my best friend."

"I'm not doing anything to your friend." Rafael said "I'm doing my job."

"Your job sucks." Scott tells him

Rafael shook his head "Some days I can't argue with that."

"Can somebody tell me what the hell is going on?" Melissa asked

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