CHAPTER 35: A Storm is Brewing

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Bella was struggling to stay asleep. As her wolf abilities were slowly coming to light, it meant her wounds were healing slowly. She laid there with her eyes closed, not yet succumbing to slumber.

Bella could hear Peter, Cora and Derek conversing downstairs.

"How is this even possible?" Derek asked, "She was born without any abilities."

"I don't know." said Peter "Deucalion didn't give her the bite, we know that much. This is something else entirely."

"Did she say anything that could help us?" Cora asked

"Not really. She wasn't making any sense. She did, however, mention Talia. Why Bella would mention my sister's name is unknown. We should know more when she wakes up."

It's past midnight and the loft is quiet, everyone downstairs. Until Bella starts screaming off the top of her lungs. Peter bolts from downstairs to Bella's room, shaking her awake. She was shifting while having a nightmare

"Bells, what is it, what's wrong?" Peter asks out worriedly. When Bella looks up, her eyes glow a blueish color before going back and her features start flashing back and forth.

"It's alright honey, it's just the change coming into effect, that's all. Everything is fine, you're going to be fine." Peter tells her, taking her into his arms and hugging tightly.

"Why is this happening?" Bella cries out, just as the others finally come running into the room.

Peter holds a hand up to stop them, "It's fine, she's alright. She's had another nightmare. Shifted in her sleep. It startled her." Peter tells them

Everyone breaths out a sigh of relief as they slowly walk out

"Bella, you should have been shifting a long time ago, which means that your wolf has been suppressing it all this time and it's having a hard time sticking." Peter says to Bella, gently rubbing her back.

Bella was terrified. She didn't understand what was happening to her and she had a million questions running through her head.

"There's something I need to know." Peter says, pulling them apart "What exactly did Deucalion do to you, little one?"

Bella started to shake as she started to remember what exactly happened. "You...Do you remember when you told me that Alphas had a gift of looking into other's memories?"

Peter nods

"Deucalion...he showed me something." Bella paused for a moment before speaking again "He dug his claws into the back of my neck and he showed me one of his memories. Something that happened when I was born."

"What did he show you?" Peter asked, getting angry

Bella looked up to meet Peter's eyes, dreading what she would have to say "He showed me aunt Talia. He showed me a conversation the two of them had the last time all the Alphas got together here in Beacon Hills."

Bella looked down, dreading what she had to say next "Dad, Talia is the one that suppressed my wolf abilities."

Peter's eyes widened as he shook his head. "No, no she wouldn't do that."

"But she did! She knew that I was like you! Talia literally said that I am half wolf, half coyote. She told Deucalion that I shouldn't have to bear such power!"

"I don't..."

"She had two choices. One was to suppress the wolf in me."

"And the other?" Peter asked, anxious to know.

Bella looked away, tears streaming down her face. Peter took a hand and turned her face back at him "What was the other choice?"

Bella had fear in her eyes. "The other choice was that she would have to....kill me."

Bella Hale:  Peter Hale's Daughter-A Teen Wolf FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now