CHAPTER 15: Rescued

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Bella ran. She kept running as she made her way through the woods. She stopped running after a while to catch her breath. She could feel the blood pouring from her face.

Bella pressed herself against a tree and slid down, clutching herself as she sobbed. She had tried to remain calm and panicked even more as she grew confused and dizzy. Just as she was closing her eyes, a voice called out to her in surprise


Bella slowly opened her eyes and saw no one. The voice continued to call her name as she stood up and looked around.

"Bella" the voice grew louder and she spun around. She looked on ahead and saw a shadow. Its figure was almost too familiar.

"Dad?" Bella gasped.

The figure turned and began to walk away.

"Wait!" she cried as she staggered to follow it. "Wait!"

She ran as fast as she could until she suddenly found herself in the middle of the road and kept running until she saw bright lights coming directly at her and a car horn honking madly. Bella looked up and was blinded by the lights as the car stopped suddenly off the side of the road.

Bella continued to look around for the figure as the person in the car jumped out

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" he yelled

Bella turned around in a haze and came face to face with Chris Argent. Chris was horrified at the look of Bella's injuries on her face. He recognized her instantly.

"My god. Are you alright?" Chris asked

Bella didn't answer as if she didn't know where she was. She almost couldn't recognize Chris.

"It's Bella Hale, right?" Chris asked as he moved closer.

Bella continued to stay frozen in the spot as Chris tried to talk to her. Bella looked up and saw the figure behind Chris. She could see it as clear as day, almost as if he was watching over her.

"Dad...?" Bella whispered before Chris grabbed ahold of her to keep her from collapsing.

"Jesus!" Chris said before scooping Bella up and placing her in his car. He took off at high speed back to his house.

He carried the unconscious girl in his arms and he ran inside his house

"Victoria!" Chris yelled for his wife.

Victoria came from around the corner, stunned at what Chris was holding. "What the hell is this?"

"Get the med kit!" Chris barked at her

"But that child...."


Victoria ran to get the med kit while Chris carried Bella downstairs to the basement. He lays her across a metal table. Chris began to apply pressure to her wounds as Victoria came down.

"What is the meaning of this, Chris?" Victoria asked

"She ran out in the middle of the road like this. Practically collapsed as I tried to help her."

"Shouldn't she be at the hospital? Who is this child?"

Chris sighed "Her name is Bella Hale."

"What?!" Victoria cried

"You brought a Hale into this house?!" a voice barked coming down the stairs.

"She's not a werewolf, Gerard. Look at her! She's not healing from this. She's just a kid!"

"A kid who is the spawn of a monster."

"She's innocent! Completely human!"

"So what?!"

"So we just let an innocent child die? It's not within the code!"

"Damn the code! I'm breaking it after what they did to Kate."

"The kid had nothing to do with this!"

"She's a Hale!!"

"I highly doubt she's an ally to Derek Hale anymore."

A groan could be heard from Bella as the three adults looked back at her.

"Ah!" said Gerard "The girl is awake."

Bella slowly opened her eyes. Her vision was slightly blurred. When it became clear, she instantly recognized Chris.

"Argent..."Bella groaned as she tried to sit up.

Chris held her back down "Easy, kid. Don't move so quickly. You've been gravely hurt."

"Where am I?" Bella asked

"How about we ask the questions?" Chris said "Like what the hell happened to you?"

"Why should I tell you? You hate me."

"No, I hate werewolves. I have nothing against humans."

"Unless they're killers" said Gerard

"Shut up, Gerard."

"If you want to kill me, go ahead." Bella quietly said as she laid back "I have nothing to live for."

Chris showed a hint of sadness in his eyes.

"And what about Derek Hale?" Gerard asked "Where is he in all this?"

"Why would I care?" Bella began to grow frustrated. "All he ever cared about was becoming the Alpha."

"And you want to kill him now right?" Chris asked

"What?" Bella asked

"I heard you that night Derek became the Alpha. After what he did to your father. You want to kill him, is that not right?"

Bella stayed quiet as she looked away

"Is that what happened to your face?" Chris asked

Bella let out a deep sigh before telling the Argents what had gone down earlier. "One of his betas did this to me. I tried to stop him from making anymore teenage betas. The girl beta thought I was one of them when I tried to fight back and ...." Tears began to fall down her face. "I never asked for any of this!"

"And yet, you were born into it." Gerard said as he began to move closer. Bella pulled back, instantly afraid

"That's enough, Gerard!" Chris yelled "Can't you see she's terrified?"

Gerard huffed "Fine."

Gerard left and went back upstairs. Victoria moved to Chris' side

"Is this even a good idea? What if it's a trap?" she whispered

"I highly doubt it, hun. From what I understand, Derek showed no interest in caring for the kid ever since he came back into town."

"All he cared about was killing the Alpha and gaining its power." Bella said, revealing she could hear their talk. "That alpha ended up being my father and Derek murdered him before I ever had the chance to have a fresh start with him.Derek murdered him right in front of me and he didn't even care. My dad's gone for good now. My family is now officially and will always be broken. I will stop at nothing to make sure Derek gets what he deserves, even if it kills me."

Bella then passed out again on the table

"What kind of child talks like that?" Victoria asked Chris

"One hellbent on revenge."

Bella Hale:  Peter Hale's Daughter-A Teen Wolf FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now