CHAPTER 88: A Father's Flashback: The First Year

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Another piercing wail broke the peacefulness of the night and Peter sighed, once again. Had he really compared his daughter to an angel less than 6 hours ago? Yet here he was, trying to calm down the little girl that was his offspring.

In hindsight, maybe he shouldn't have let her sleep in the afternoon, but really, how could he know that it would end in this?

Every time he would put her down, Bella would scream her lungs out.

This being him feeling a thousand years old while unsuccessfully trying to make his baby girl fall asleep. It was shortly after 8 and for the past hour, Bella had wailed her little heart out.

He had fed her, changed her, cuddled her, pepper her with kisses, and even read to her  but nothing had worked. Peter had spent his teenage years babysitting his nieces and nephew and knew how to take care of a baby, but still, no matter what he did, it didn't calm her down after he would put her in the bassinet.

It was a little heartbreaking, really. He hated seeing his little pup cry and wail, and not just because it hurt his ears. Peter did not know why she would become so upset when he walked away.

Around 9pm, things hadn't calmed down. He was sitting shirtless on his couch, trying to comfort his daughter with skin contact, but she was still sobbing her little heart out. Attempting to calm down in Peter's arms again. Just as Belle was starting to  calm down,  someone knocked at the door, Peter couldn't help but growl. Which made Bella cry even harder. Great.

Annoyed, he stomped over to the door and ripped it open, ready to snap at whoever had dared to disturb him, and came face to face with Talia

"What are you doing here, Talia?" Peter growled and almost slammed the door closed.

"Lucky I'm here, because it looks like you might need a helping hand." She pointed at Bella, who's red face was wet with tears.

"I've tried everything. Every time I would put her down, she would scream. I don't think you can..." Peter began, but Talia just snorted and gently took Bella from him, who started to wail even louder, before promptly stopping. The sudden silence made Peter's ears ring and he breathed a sigh of relief.


"That's a good girl." Talia cooed at Bella, who was staring at her with wide, curious eyes. She was bouncing her a bit. Within seconds, her eyes began to drop, and her heartbeat was even and calm.

"Thank god." Peter groaned.

"I'm the one with parental experiences, Peter. I did have three children" Talia grinned and Peter was too relieved to be annoyed. Whatever Talia had done, at least Bella was slowly falling asleep now.

Talia grinned and went into Peter's spacious room to sit down on the bed, Bella safely tucked against her chest. Peter followed her and picked up his shirt along the way that he had dropped on the floor.

Around midnight, Peter was yawning every few seconds and they decided to call it a night. Peter thanked his sister for helping.

Since he didn't have a proper crib yet, he had planned on letting Bella sleep in bed with him -admittedly, he didn't like the thought of her sleeping anywhere but right next to him in bed, where he could watch over and protect her at all times-, but when Talia tried to lay her down, she had woken up again and fussed until she had picked her back up.

Peter sighed "Go to bed, Talia. I've got this."

When Talia looked at him surprised, Peter shrugged. Peter didn't answer, just hummed and smirked

Bella Hale:  Peter Hale's Daughter-A Teen Wolf FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now