CHAPTER 69: Malia Finds the Desert Wolf

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Malia headed into the school and made down the halls but took care to look out for and avoid the scents of two particular werewolves. She couldn't speak to either of them now. Malia had to keep focused on the mission at hand but she still knew they needed to know what she found. There was only one person who could see that they did. She found his scent and tracked him down to the boys locker room. Stepping inside, she ignored the surprised and affronted looks of the boys changing as she made her way right to Liam. He was no less surprised to see her there.

"I need you to tell Scott something for me," she said to him.

"Why me?"

"Because I can't right now. You're gonna do it or not?"

"Uh, he's not really talking to me right now. You should get someone else. What about Stiles?"

"No," she bit in, raising her tone a bit. That made a few nearby heads turn back their way. They all stopped looking when the bell started ringing. Malia settled herself back down. "Look, things aren't exactly good between the two of them right now. And, Stiles and I aren't really talking to each other."

"Well, neither are me and Scott," he tried reasoning back. "So, try someone else. Anyone else." He then moved to close his locker.

"Look," Malia said, impatiently. "Tell him that he was right about the tunnels. Just tell him that, okay?"

Liam narrowed his eyes. "What do you mean?"

"When we were down there, looking for you and Hayden, we didn't know it yet but we were a lot closer than we thought. There's an operating theater down there. Down in the tunnels."

"Wait, how do you know?"

"Mostly by scent," she tried to shrug off. "Just tell him, okay. Tell Scott he was right. And if you see Stiles, tell him..." Malia seemed to blank  there for a moment before she shook herself out of it. "Tell him that the Doctors track the chimeras and other supernaturals through frequency. Tell them that, all right?"

Liam sighed but gave her a nod and she went to take off.

Malia was back at the animal clinic where Braeden had returned and they, along with Theo were observing some Sat photos of Fort Jewett that Braeden was able to get. She could feel Braeden's tension as she was loading one of her guns.

"What's the problem?" Malia finally asked her.

"Besides the fact that I've never seen this place before beyond a few aerial photos and the fact that we're going in blind?" Braeden then took the now fully loaded gun and went to aim it at Theo. "Him."

Theo didn't falter at the heavy weapon trained on him. "Would you mind not pointing that at me."

"He's coming with us," She told them.

"," Braeden tried to remind her.

Theo then let his smirk appear. "."

Braeden deepened her glare on him. "I should kill you." Braeden spat out.

"Won't happen with a shotgun," Theo said confidently.

"Stop it," Malia bit out. "Both of you," she said, looking between Theo and Braeden. She then looked at Theo. "And you, you're not helping."

"Look, I did what I did to survive. The Dread Doctors wanted everyone dead. I convinced them it could just be Scott."

Braeden chose to just ignore him "You could still tell Scott," she reasoned to Malia.

"We will, after we've gotten Deaton and Bella back."

"He's not going to blame you for the Desert Wolf taking him."

Bella Hale:  Peter Hale's Daughter-A Teen Wolf FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now