CHAPTER 23: The Final Battle

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Scott McCall arrives near the old train station with Isaac and Chris Argent with Jackson in the backseat. The three of them got out of the car and Isaac pointed out that Jackson stopped moving.

Chris looks around "Where's Derek?"

Suddenly, there was Derek coming down the road on all fours and does a front flip and lands in a crouched position with his eyes glowing.

From a distance, Peter rolls his eyes "Someone certainty enjoys making an entrance"

Derek stands up

"I'm here for Jackson. Not you" Chris states

"Somehow I don't find that very comforting." Derek retorts "Get him inside."

Scott and Isacc grab Jackson and bring him inside the warehouse

"Where are they?" Scott asks

Derek looks around "Who?"

"Peter and Lydia."

Peter's alive? Chris thought to himself

Derek bends over Jackson in the body bag and begins to open it

"Hold on a second." Scott said "You said you knew how to save him."

"We're past that." said Derek

"What about..."

"Think about it Scott. Gerard controls him now. He's turned Jackson into his own personal guard dog. He sets all of this in motion so that Jackson could get even bigger and more powerful."

"No." Chris said nodding his head "No, he wouldn't do that. If Jackson's a dog, he's turning rabid, and my father wouldn't let a rabid dog live."

"Of course not," said the voice of Gerard as he appeared out of nowhere. "Anything that dangerous, that is out of control, is better off dead."

Peter watches from the distance as Derek bends down to kill Jackson but is stopped when Jackson stabs Derek in the stomach. Jackson gets out of the body bag and throws Derek around like a rag doll.

"Well done to the last, Scott. Like the concerned friend you are, you brought Jackson to Derek to save him. You just didn't realize that you were also bringing Derek to me."

An arrow goes shooting into Isaac and he falls down. Everyone looks up and sees Allison and Bella around the corners on each end, holding a crossbow.

"Allison?" said Scott

Scott grabs Isaac and carries him out. Chris held out his gun and pointed it at Jackson, shooting him, which was uneffective. Jackson takes off as Chris keeps shooting until Jackson disarms Chris.

Chris runs to the other room where he wields his knife. Jackson throws Chris across the room.

Derek, Isaac and Scott come back in their wolf forms. Derek watches the fight and They fight until Jackson knocks Derek down to the ground. Before Isaac could help, Allison comes out and stands in front of Isaac and stabs him in the front and back.

Allison sets her sights on Derek, who is on the ground holding his stomach wound.

"Allison, stop!" Scott cried.

Allison rushes towards Derek but the Kanima grabs her by the throat.

"Not yet, Allison." Gerard says

"What are you doing?" Allison asked confusingly

"He's doing what he came here to do." Scott answers

"Then you know." Gerard says

"What is he talking about?" Allison asks

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