CHAPTER 95: Golden

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Peter wanted to take Bella back to the hospital but she insisted that she was feeling alright and just wanted to go home. Tired but alright. Peter didn't argue. Instead, he just smiled slightly at her.

The two of them stood up from the ground. Bella was starting to feel a little weak from the event. Peter looked down at her and told Bella to jump on his back.

"Why?" Bella looked at Peter with a confused look

"Haven't you heard of a piggy back ride?" Peter smiled

"I think I can walk." Bella said, letting go of Peter's arm only to find her balance wobbling.

"You were saying?"

Bella sighed as Peter backed up to let her jump on his back. She placed her hands on his shoulder and without even jumping, he lifted her onto his back.

"Are you alright?" Peter asked her.

"Yeah." Bella whispered back

Bella held on to Peter as tightly as she could as everyone started heading back. Stiles gave the McCall pack a head up that they found Bella and that Peter was taking her home. Bella just held on to Peter quietly as they journeyed back towards the entrance of the reserve.

Along the way, Bella closed her eyes and went into a deep sleep while being carried by Peter. Whatever happened to her truly took a toll. Peter could hear her slow heartbeats and quiet breathing. Peter looked over his shoulder to check on her, only to see her resting her head on his shoulder.

Back at the hospital parking lot, Derek guided Peter towards his car. He was taking his cousin and uncle home. Peter carefully places an exhausted Bella in the backseat of the car and slides in to sit beside her, her head now resting on his leg. Within minutes, Derek got them to Peter's apartment. Peter carefully scooped Bella out of the car and carried her inside the apartment complex, with Derek following behind.

Once inside, Peter carried Bella to her room and laid her down on the bed. He sat down next to her. Derek watched Peter, who was sitting on the edge of the bed, hand constantly caressing her hair. The fingers that were caressing her hair trembled lightly. It was like Peter had to stand over his daughter to make sure she was alright. He was relieved that she was here, at home, safe and sound.

Peter looked down at the young girl sleeping in her bed. He cared for Bella so much, so much that it hurt. Peter pushed the hair off Bella's forehead, slightly smiling when she mumbled something and turned, bending her legs to form a little cocoon.

So precious. Bella was the most precious thing to him. Peter's hand descended from Bella's hair to her face, caressing her cheek slightly so as to not wake her up. Peter then leaned and gave the young girl a small kiss on her forehead and whispered "I love you." Peter just looks down at Bella, sleeping peacefully. His hand slid down from her hair to caress her cheek.

With one last smile, he silently made his way from the room and shut the door. He returned to the living area to see Derek present.

Derek sighed "What are you going to do?"

"What do you mean?"

"Her eyes. That means one or two things."

Peter glared at Derek, "Do we really need to talk about this now? The last thing I want to discuss right now is why my daughter's eyes are gold now."

Derek sent him a dirty look which caused Peter to smirk.

"Even if it means she might lose her power? There's more to this than we know"

Peter got up and took a step towards his nephew. "Oh, really? Then why don't you enlighten me?"

Derek stared at Peter. "Bella was shot!

Bella Hale:  Peter Hale's Daughter-A Teen Wolf FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now