CHAPTER 40: What Am I?

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It was a week later that Bella came downstairs and found Peter sitting on the couch reading late one night, sitting down beside him. It was just after midnight.

"Can't sleep little one?" he asked and Bella shook her head, burrowing into her father's shoulder.

"I keep having nightmares." She mumbles out and Peter's heart breaks. He rubs Belle's back

"Maybe if you can tell me what they're about, it might make you feel better."he asks softly.

Bella sighed "It's always the same dreams, old and new. But lately, I keep dreaming about..."

Bella pauses before she begins to tell Peter about the events of her latest dream. "I was alone in a cave. It was abandoned. My heart was racing, I couldn't control myself. I didn't know what I was doing there. It was dark and I couldn't see anything. All I could hear was a growl. Like a wolf's growl. I backed away from the noise but it just kept getting louder and louder. I started to scream. I was trying to scream for you, for Derek, for anyone. No one was there and no one came" she says, snuggling in to hug her father tighter. "I could hear the growling and the breaths in between as it grew closer. I was trapped, backed against the wall and I couldn't see so trying to make a run for it was too dangerous. But suddenly, I saw what looked like a coyote. It was gray and brown. It had the luminescent blue eyes like you have. It jumped at me and latched onto me. I could not shift or fight back. It went for my throat. Blood squirted everywhere and I held my hand to my throat as the coyote continued to take chunks out of me. That's when I woke up.

Peter hugged Bella, "It's alright sweetheart, I'm here, I've got you." He told her, rocking her back and forth.

Bella looked up at her father, tears streaming down her face, "It's not the first time I have dreamt about this coyote. Why am I having these dreams? These nightmares? It happens all the time and I hate it! What did I do to deserve it?!"

Bella began to panic and Peter held her closer

"Bells, you didn't do anything, none of what happened to you was your fault. I think it has to do with all the trauma you've been through. For someone who's been through hell and back, you are strong, stronger than you know. You will find a way to fight this, I know it. You shouldn't have to suffer like this every night." He whispers to the girl, rocking him and rubbing her back.

"I just don't know if I can deal with it anymore." she said, pressing her temple

"Then we will deal with it together"

A few hours later, nearing five in the morning, Peter runs into Bella's room calling her name as he sits beside her. "Bella! It was only a nightmare!"

Tears streamed down her face as she wrapped her arms around her father.

"It was only a nightmare." He reassured her once more as Bella was panting heavily. It took a while for her to calm down again.

"Alright, how about we all head back to bed, hmm?" Peter tells her as he begins to stand. Bella immediately grabs Peter's arm

"Daddy, is it alright if I sleep with you tonight?" Bella asks quietly.

"What?" Peter asked in surprise.

"Please?" Bella whispered again in tears "I don't want to be alone."

Peter gives a small smile, "Of course I'll stay with you." Peter says to his daughter pulling the blanket up over them and snuggling up close. "Alright, good night sweetheart, I love you." Peter tells her, laying a kiss to her forehead.

"I love you too, daddy." Bella replies before gently falling back asleep, feeling safe in her father's arms.

Peter couldn't go back to sleep. He just laid there watching his daughter try and sleep. He was severely worried about Bella. Why was she suffering from nightmares so much? Peter was determined to find out.

The next morning, Peter got a call from Derek, saying that he possibly found something that once belonged to Talia and he needed Peter's help to get it. Peter, not wanting to leave Bella behind, was hesitant about it. But knowing what Derek was looking for, Peter knew that it could possibly help obtain his lost memories.

When Bella woke up and came downstairs, Peter had a talk with her. Peter informed Bella that he would need to leave town for a few days.

"What for?" Bella asked

"Derek found something. It could be something that could help get our lost memories back."

"And why can't Derek do this on his own?"

"He'd have to go up against another pair of hunters that are far worse than the Argents."

"Who are they?" Bella asked

"They're the Calaveras." Peter explained "The Calavera Family are a family of Hunters who are primarily located in northern Mexico but have occasionally crossed the border. Unlike the Argents, the Calaveras are both ruthless and devoted to the Hunter Code to the point of treating it like the law, and they have taken it upon themselves to enforce it wherever they see fit, such as ensuring that a Hunter commits suicide after being by an as per the Code. They also have no qualms about torturing others, no matter the age. How they've come into this possession of Talia's, I don't know but I intend to find out"

"How long will you be gone for?"

"Probably a week at least."

"You're not leaving me alone are you?"

"Of course not. I've made arrangements for you to stay with Scott."


"With him being an Alpha, I trust him with you. He could probably teach you a few things I have yet to teach you."

"But you don't really trust him? You don't even like Scott."

"True, but I can't just leave you alone."

"You could take me with you and teach me a few things."

"Out of the question!"

Bella shrugged, "Worth a try."

"I'll be back before you know it." Peter tells her "I promise."

"I'm holding you to that."

"Haven't I ever broken a promise to you?"

"No...." Bella drones "Not yet."

"Not yet? Come on now."

"I was kidding!" Bella joked

"Were you kidding?" Peter mocked, gently tickling his daughter.

"Daddy stoooooop!" she giggles as she got away

"See, that's what I wanted to hear." Peter said with a smile

"What's that?" Bella asked

"Your laugh." Peter tells her "I can't remember the last time I heard you laugh. Surely there's no need to be so miserable again."

"I suppose not." Bella gently smiles back at Peter "I just don't know who or what I am right now."

"Well, how about we figure it out when I come back? Deal?"

"Deal." Bella says, still pondering on the question; What Am I?

Bella Hale:  Peter Hale's Daughter-A Teen Wolf FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now