CHAPTER 49: A Quiet Birthday

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It's been over a month since Derek went missing. Again.

Scott and his pack were working on trying to find him. Peter declared that he and Bella stay out of it because of who may have been responsible. The day Derek was declared missing, the loft was locked with the alarm set but inside, Peter and Bella found lots of brass bullet casings with the skull symbol which was identified as the mark belonging to the Calaveras, the family of hunters in Mexico.

While Scott and his pack were working on trying to find Derek, Peter was preparing to celebrate his daughter's thirteenth birthday tomorrow. Peter was anxious as he had not celebrated a birthday with his daughter since she was six years old. Thirteen. Bella was a teenager now.

"Where has the time gone?" Peter asked himself.

December 14th was Bella's birthday. She was born on December 14th, 1998. It's ironic that she was born on the night of a full moon. Peter remembered when his child was born so vividly. Parts of it were blurry to him but from the moment he first held Bella in his arms, he was in awe of the child he created. There are many things that Peter can not currently remember from his past, thanks to Talia. But he could never forget the day his daughter was born.

In her bedroom, Bella was catching up on some school work, blasting some music. Peter could hear the music from the living room. Bella sure had a peculiar taste in music. Peter smirked as he heard 'More Than A Feeling' playing throughout as he made his way to Bella's room. He could also hear Bella singing along to the lyrics, which made him smile.

Peter knocked on the bedroom door.

"Come in!" Bella said on the other side of the door.

Peter went inside "Hey, kiddo."

"Hey." Bella said back with a smile as she turned off the music.

"What are you working on?" Peter asked as he sat on Bella's bed.

"Biology homework." Bella said as she closed her school book.

Peter nods "Hey listen, I wanted to talk to you about something."

"What about?" Bella asked

"Well, you know what tomorrow is, right?"

Bella looked at Peter very confused "What's tomorrow?"

"'What's tomorrow'?" Peter repeated "Don't tell me you actually forgot your own birthday?"

Bella looked absolutely gobsmacked

Peter scoffed, "You actually forgot your birthday."

"It's tomorrow?!" Bella asked in shock

"Yes. I think I'd remember my own daughter's birthday." Peter stated "The big one-three. As of tomorrow, you are officially a teenager."

"My birthday is tomorrow?" Bella repeated "How did I forget?!"

"Well." Peter stated "With everything that's happened this year, I'm not all that surprised that you forgot."

"You didn't." Bella said

"I'm your father. It's my job to remember your birthday." Peter smirked

Bella laughed, "I can't believe that I forgot my own birthday."

"Don't worry about it." Peter said, taking her hand "I wanted to ask you what you wanted to do for your birthday."

Bella looked baffled. "I honestly have no clue. I've never really been one to celebrate it."

"You've got to do something for your thirteenth." Peter told her

Bella shrugged "Maybe I just want to keep it casual like always. Just hang around, have something nice for dinner. But nothing else. I never had a party in my life."

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